'C'mon' Music Video by Ke$ha
Ke$ha is back with the music video for her second single off Warrior. With this one she leaves all the Illuminati symbols behind, and instead goes for a video that seems like it was created by someone who was trippin' on acid. But what else would you expect from Ke-dollar sign-ha? The video for 'C'mon' begins with Ke$ha working in the Awful House diner, and when a rude older gentleman demands more coffee she quits. While outside on a bench, a mysterious van by the name of Dream Catcher arrives in Back to the Future fashion and picks up our blond bimbo, and everything changes. Ke$ha is accompanied by a bunch of party animals (literally) and they destroy a supermarket as they party (because what else would Ke$ha be doing in one of her videos?). The video is strange, but entertaining, everything Ke$ha seems to stand for. You won't be disappointed.