Friday, November 4, 2011

'Pot O' Gold' by Glee

Glee is finally back after taking a mini-hiatus because of baseball!!  The return of Glee is always a time to rejoice, and even more so with this episode because it was great.  Fun songs and some intriguing plot twists.  How can you not love Glee?  This week we were introduced to Rory Flanagan, an exchange student from Ireland, who Brittany believes is a leprechaun.  He actually doesn't have a bad voice, and it'll be interesting to see how he fits into the show.

In the first number of the episode we get to hear Rory sing for the first time.  Nothing spectacular, but it was good nevertheless.  Rory is a victim of bullying just like all of the other Glee Club members simply because he's different, and this song allows him to vocalize his frustrations.

I know I sound like a broken record, but any song that Blaine sings is pure perfection.  This was definitely my favorite musical number of the night.  Blaine really has a knack for singing Katy Perry songs and creating something magical with them.  I really want to hear him sing a ballad, though, because he really hasn't done that yet.

Finally another good Puck solo!  I really love the plot line with Puck falling in love with his child and wanting to be by her side every moment as her father.  I think it has some great potential to change Puck's character for the better.  On the other hand, I absolutely hate how spiteful Quinn is being.  Trying to plant evidence in order to get Child Services to take the baby away from Shelby?  C'mon, you're not going to get the baby ever so just give it a rest.  Otherwise, the song was beautiful, and it'll be interesting to see what kind of a relationship Puck and Shelby foster.

This whole creation of a new Glee Club at McKinley is definitely an interesting route to take, but I'm not totally a fan because it's destroying the New Directions.  First Mercedes and now Brittany and Santana have left to be in the female power group headed by Shelby.  Their rendition of Christina Aguilera's 'Candyman' was a lot of fun and immensely enjoyable, but I'm just not sure how smitten I am with the whole concept.

Finally, we end the show with Rory's audition song for the New Directions, a song which he dedicates to his family back home in Ireland.  It's an absolutely beautiful song, and it'll be great to see what element Rory adds to the New Directions.

One of the problems with this episode that I did have was Finn's behavior.  He was a complete jerk the entire episode to almost everyone, and he was even rude to his step-brother's boyfriend.  What's going on here?  Definitely do not like the route he's taking at the moment.  I thought that the plot line with Burt Hummel running against Sue in the election was a great idea, and I think it's going to be a great thing for all the characters.  It'll be interesting to see what this leads to more towards the end of the season.  Spin-off anyone?  The episode was a great way to kick-start the show after a long break, and I can't wait for more next week!

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