Tuesday, April 3, 2012

American Idol Season 11: Top 9

So I know I'm extreeeeeemly behind on my American Idol posts, but I've been writing papers and preparing for midterms the past two weeks so hopefully I'll get caught up soon.  On to this week's episode of Idol, the Top 9 took on songs from their idols, and boy was it one of the best performance shows in the past few years.  Everyone (with the exception of Joshua) gave standout performances, and most of the standing ovations from the judges were warranted for once.  This week also brought the reintroduction of the small group performances which were hugely successful last year.  It was quite a sight to see and one that I will not soon forget.

Colton Dixon
As you know, Colton is my favorite contestant in this competition, and this performance was one of his best.  It really showed me who he was as an artist, and what we can expect from him in the future.  Out of all the incredible performances I would have to say his was one of the mid-pack ones, but that's still a huge compliment for this week.

Skylar Laine
Skylar brought her sassy attitude on stage and sang one of Miranda Lambert's most popular songs.  I thought she did a great job with it, and her energy is always astounding.  It wasn't my favorite performance of hers, and I think it would be really great to see her do a ballad next week to change it up.

Colton, Elise and Phillip
The first trio of the night was a Stevie Nicks medley since she was the guest judge this week (and the best of the season at that).  Elise was totally in her zone and knocked it out of the park.  Colton had a lot of fun with it as well, but I felt like Phillip ruined it.  He went too over the top and made it "messy."  Other than that it was a really fun performance.

Heejun Han
This is the Heejun I love!!!  After last week's disgrace of a performance, Heejun went back to what he does best and sang a ballad.  I personally think this was his strongest performance to date.  He has a really powerful voice and showed off his unique tone.  Great comeback.

Hollie Cavanagh
Contrary to what the judges and a lot of critics said, I really enjoyed Hollie's rendition of my favorite Carrie Underwood song 'Jesus Take the Wheel'.  I didn't find it to be karaoke at all, and I think she handled it beautifully.  Based on the other competition, though, it was one of the weaker performances of the night.

DeAndre Brackensick
Oh god.  DeAndre's back to using his falsetto for 90% of the song.  Stop it!  DeAndre has a beautiful voice, and on the lower notes he really shined, but as soon as he went into the falsetto I cringed inside.  He's totally overusing the falsetto and it's ruining his performances.  He's definitely going to be gone soon.

Jessica Sanchez
This girl impresses me every time she takes the stage.  Her rendition of Beyoncé's 'Sweet Dreams' was chillingly beautiful.  She totally made the song her own and changed it into something incredible.  And of course that girl has a set of pipes on her.  Wow!

DeAndre, Heejun and Joshua
The boys took on a Michael Jackson medley for their trio.  I think all I should say about it was that it was entertaining.  There were a few moments where it was good, but most of it was mediocre.

Phillip Phillips
This had to be my favorite Phil performance so far.  He didn't overuse his gravelly voice, and he actually sang beautifully.  If he does a fair amount of this mixed with his normal style then I think he'll definitely be in the running for the crown.

Hollie, Skylar and Jessica
Just in time to coincide with the release of MDNA, the female trio took on the iconic songs of the Queen of Pop, Madonna.  They actually did a very good job.  Of course it could have been better, but only Jessica is the real pop singer so taking that into consideration it was very well executed.

Elise Testone
Holy cow, this woman just blew me away!!!!  That was hands down Elise's best performance on this show to date.  I had no clue she had this in her.  Of course I have to compare it to Adam Lambert's version back in season 8, and I must say that Elise equalled his prowess.  She rocked the stage, and I think, put herself at the head of the pack with that performance.  Go Elise!

Overall, it was a great night, but I definitely think the weakest were DeAndre, Joshua and Heejun.  Joshua completely over-sang the song like he does week in and week out.  If he's going to survive he needs to stop.  There was no doubt in my mind that Heejun was going home.  It was just too obvious.  It would be great if the show could keep up this momentum, but I know that in a few weeks it's going to fizz out like it always does.  Gotta love American Idol, flaws and all!

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