Saturday, May 7, 2011

'Judas' Music Video by Lady GaGa

"Judas, Juda-a-as, Judas, Juda-a-as, Judas, Juda-a-as, Judas, GaGa."  Lady GaGa has done it again.  Like I said back when the song was released, this is the type of music GaGa should be making, not the 'Born This Way' train wreck.  The song is just crazy good, and is so different than what's out there right now.  I had high expectations for this video, and I was totally blown away.  I wasn't sure if GaGa could ever top herself after 'Telephone' but I think she may have come very close.  At least the video wasn't another 10-minute mini-movie (that was beginning to get on my nerves).
When I first I heard that the video was going to have a religious theme I was very exited because I knew it would push the envelope and rile people up.  In the video GaGa portrays Mary Magdalene, and it centers around Jesus and his twelve apostles as a motorcycle gang making their way to Jerusalem.  It's supposed to be a modern take on the Bible, and I think GaGa did a better job than most movies do.  Pictured above is Jesus and Mary. 
What I think I liked most about the video was the cinematography and GaGa's appearance.  The whole video had this beautiful feel to it and it had very rich and deep colors.  i personally don't think GaGa has ever looked more beautiful.  We all know that she is not the most attractive woman in the world, but I feel like the choices she made in the video were very flattering.  My favorite look of all is pictured above with the very Victorian kind of Renaissance feel.  Plus the fake nails she is wearing are some of the most detailed and interesting ones I think I've ever seen.
If you are not already familiar with the song, it's about falling in love with a Judas, and no matter how many times he betrays you something keeps pulling you back to him.  This is also played out in the video with Mary always hanging onto Jesus, and one point she even tries to kill Judas (with a lipstick gun), but she can't do it.  It's one of those bad relationships that most people can sympathize with, and that's part of the allure oft he video.  It's not just GaGa trying to make some outrageous and button-pushing masterpiece; while she does do that she always imbues her videos with some deeper meaning that draws people in.  Not many artists nowadays ever achieve that.
This is probably my favorite sequence of the video.  GaGa is in a giant basin with Jesus and Judas, and she is performing the washing of the feet ceremony.  She is also standing on a rock and gets hit by the roiling waves behind her.  GaGa describes the video as a cultural baptism, and that is what this sequence is meant to represent.  It's a very poignant scene, and i think it is my favorite thing GaGa has ever done.  It's a perfect example of the famous saying "a painting can tell a thousand words."

Finally, the video ends with the stoning of Mary Magdalene...

I have also included the first performance of "You and I" that GaGa did on Oprah just this past week.  How many people have played a giant shoe piano before?

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