Saturday, May 28, 2011

'New York' by Glee

Another season of 'Glee' has passed us by.  'Glee' is undoubtedly my favorite show on television at the moment, and they have really done a great job this season.  While the season finale was a little boring and predictable, the song choices were impeccable and reminded you all over again why you fell in love with the show.  I present to you my final 'Glee' review until September:

The first song of the episode is a treatment from Brittany, Artie and Puck.  Mr. Schuester locks the kids up in their hotel room in order to write some more original songs.  Of course anything written by Brittany is going to be corny, but it just gives you a good laugh.
This one comes from the New Directions as they are out gallivanting around New York City.  How much fun would that be in real life, seriously?  The mash-up between Madonna's 'I Love New York' (which I love and have featured on this blog a few times) and Frank Sinatra's classic 'New York, New York' works really well.  Probably in my Top 3 favorites of this episode.
Finn finally asks Rachel out on a date which I have been looking forward to for a while now, and their date ends in the culmination of a cute but cheesy reprisal of the famous 'Lady and the Tramp' song 'Bella notte'.  I really didn't care for this at all, but the homage was cute.  It's sad to see that Rachel and Finn won't ever be getting back together because of Rachel's ambitions, but I can definitely see her reasoning.
This was definitely my favorite song of the episode.  If you're not familiar with this one, it comes from the smash hit Broadway musical 'Wicked' which I fortunately had the chance to see twice in London.  It's my favorite musical ever and Kurt and Rachel's rendition of 'For Good' was absolutely stunning.  Seeing them up on that stage showed their true potential and how successful they would be in real life.  I really hope they feature Kurt's voice more in the third season because I feel he is the best male vocal on the show with the exception of Blaine.
This is the first of the Nationals' performances and it comes from an all girls school (presumably the one we saw last season).  Their rendition of Usher's most famous song was very well done, especially the rap which was sadly not featured in the episode.
After the conservation Rachel has with Sunshine right before she performs, I truly hope Sunshine leaves Vocal Adrenaline and transfers to McKinley High so that she can be a part of the New Directions.  Her vocal was stunning as usual, and I hope that the mending of relationships the two had will turn out for the better next season. 
The first original song that the Glee Club performs is this one, and it is a beautiful duet between Rachel and Finn.  I definitely have to applaud Finn because he has grown a lot over the past two years as a vocalist.  Of course, they had to throw in an unscripted kiss at the end of performance that left everyone speechless. 
The final song of the night is another original.  I must say, this is my favorite original song by the Glee Club.  I don't know why they released 'Loser Like Me' as the first single over this one.  'Light Up the World' is an amazing song and it is really shocking that they didn't place in the Top 10.  They definitely deserved it, but I guess they have to have a storyline for next season.

This was a pretty good episode and the perfect way to end the series.  I will definitely be looking forward to next season to see what the New directions will encounter next.  Four months without Glee; what I am going to do?  I'll be getting ready for college, that's what I'll be busy doing.

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