Saturday, September 3, 2011

America's Got Talent - Semifinals, Pt. 2

We're getting down to business, and this week was actually pretty decent for once.  There was a lot of extremely good talent, but unfortunately not all of them could go on.  Next week will be amazing because of the sheer amount of talent that the finalists have, so definitely watch that one.

The Kinetic King
Like the judges said, this was definitely not his best performance on the show, but it was by no means the worst.  It was still highly entertaining to watch, and let's hope that something good comes of his talent in the near future because I think he could have a great show in Vegas.

Fatally Unique
These guys are by far my favorite dance act in the competition, and tonight they delivered once again.  The theme of their performance was an insane asylum, and it was very entertaining to watch.  Unfortunately they did not make it to the finals, but I hope they continue their careers and everything they stand for.

Landon Swank
This week Landon did a really cool trick that, once again, was life threatening.  I myself have never seen this trick done before and was very impressed by it.  I don't know if he'll actually win the show, but he does have a very good chance since he has the whole package.

This week their trick involved involved jumping through a flaming hoop, which was impressive, but it did indeed get repetitive after a while.  After about the first thirty seconds I was bored because all they were doing were front flips over a mat.  At least during their last trick their showed true strength and stamina while creating a beautiful image.  They fell short this week and that's why they were, unfortunately, kicked off.

Anna Graceman
This week Anna blew me away.  This may have been her best performance to date.  She took a classic rock song and gave it the "Anna" treatment.  The piano playing was great, but when she got up and started belting the last of the song she really hit her stride.  She is a tour de force and could end up winning the whole competition.

Steven Retchless
Steven was one of my favorites from the beginning because he was daring and gave pole dancing a whole new name in the world of entertainment.  This week was just as good as his previous performances, and the walking in air (pictured above) was simply spectacular.  It's a shame he had to go home this week, but he was up against some difficult competition.

This week I did not enjoy the Silhouettes at all.  I usually love their stuff because it's thought-provoking and heart-warming.  This week was just boring.  Also what I like about them is how they make pictures and animations using only their bodies, but this week there wasn't any of that.  It was just dancing that you could have seen from any other dance troupe.  Less than impressed.  Hopefully they can redeem themselves next week.

Next week there is going to be a lot of action so we'll see how it all plays out.  Thankfully the show is coming to a close a soon.

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