Friday, September 9, 2011

America's Got Talent - Top 10

We have definitely arrived at the moment where we get the best of the best fighting for the spot in the finals.  After a (very) long summer, we have finally reached the Top 10 and have gotten to witness some amazing talent.  The show was actually very entertaining, and there were only a couple performances that I did not enjoy.

Lys Agnès
I was severely disappointed with Lys' performance this week.  Last week she was incredible singing her rendition of Evanescence's 'Bring Me to Life', but she fell short with her rendition of 'Dream On'.  Like the judges mentioned, her low voice was not good and, quite frankly, a little weird.  It was actually very uncomfortable listening to her this week, which is unfortunate because I wanted her to go into the finale.  Hopefully she can make a name for herself now in the entertainment biz because she truly deserves it.

Landon Swank
Landon Swank was amazing this week like always.  The tricks he does I have never seen done before and he always puts on a great show.  Unfortunately, he did not receive enough votes to advance to the Top 4.  I feel like he should have advanced though because I don't think there has ever been a magician this talented on the show.

Anna Graceman
Anna was so great again, just as she is every week.  Singing Cindi Lauper's 'True Colors' is definitely a daunting task, but Anna pulled it off effortlessly.  Of course, it would have been better to see her move around a bit, but I felt the performance was just fine as it was.  It's kind of disappointing that she did not make it into the finale, but there was simply too much other great talent this year.

The Silhouettes are back!  I was very disappointed with their performance last week, but this week they stepped it up and brought back their own unique touch.  It's incredible the amount of emotion that they can draw out of you just by making shapes and words with their bodies.  I predict second or third place for them.

This week I felt that Poplyfe were not as good as they normally are.  The vocals were not as sharp and as on point as I would have liked, but nonetheless they gave a great performance.  I'm predicting second place for them.

West Springfield Dance Team
I definitely loved the whole vampire theme this week, but like the judges said, it is getting repetitive.  I don't think they HAVE to have a horror theme each week.  Their thing could be fantasy dancing, and then they could have a really superb act.  I loved them, but they really did not stand a chance making it into the finale.

Team iLuminate
Team illuminate is always very interesting, and each week they bring something new to the table.  This week they really did step out of their comfort zone even more and delivered a spectacular performance.  There is no doubt in my mind that they will take the crown this year.

As you can see, this week was a really great great show.  Next week is the finale and then we are done for the year!  My prediction for next week is 4th: Landau Eugene Murphy, Jr., 3rd: Silhouettes, 2nd: Poplyfe, 1st: Team iLuminate.  Third and fourth place could be interchangeable, but that's my gut feeling.  Let's see what happens!

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