Sunday, September 11, 2011

TODAY: 10th Anniversary of 9/11

Today is of course the anniversary of the horrendous terrorist attacks that plagued our country on September 11th ten years ago.  I still remember being in the third grade and sitting in my classroom when the teachers started running around and whispering to each other.  I knew something was wrong immediately as this kind of behavior was not normal, and then they told us that planes had crashed into the Twin Towers.  I didn't fully understand what had happened until I got home and saw my mom watching the TV with tears streaming down her face.  She embraced me heartily when I walked through that door, and I remember that all I wanted to do was change the channel and watch cartoons.  I was definitely a tad too young to understand the emotional impact, but even so, that day is clearly emblazoned in my mind, and will be for the rest of my life.  I am happy that I am in New York City today on this anniversary because I know there will be an unspoken electricity in the air and a feeling of connectedness and unison.  I could not feel any safer than living here in the "concrete jungle where dreams are made" and I hope that each and every one of you takes the time to reflect on all the lives that were tragically snatched from the face of the earth 10 years ago today.  

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