Friday, September 23, 2011

'The Purple Piano Project' by Glee

Glee is finally back on TV!!!  I was so excited when the McKinley High Gleeksters returned to my television Tuesday night in the premiere of their third season (and sadly the last for many of them).  This season they're really going back to the basics and focusing on the plot line rather than the glitz and the glam of the modern Top 40 radio hits.  This week (and for the next few weeks) there will be a major focus on Broadway, which is good enough for me.  They definitely introduced a slew of new plot lines which will be very interesting to watch progress.  Now on to the music...

And we start the season of with...a food fight!  The Glee Club are given the assignment to sing whenever there is a purple piano around, and Rachel has to convince her fellow singers to do a number in the cafeteria.  The performance was great fun, but no one else seemed to think so because the New Directions were showered in an assortment of food.  Definitely an enjoyable way to start off the season.

Definitely my second favorite song of the episode.  Kurt and Rachel are dreaming about their chances of going off to New York and they decide to give us a great duet.  I swear that the chemistry between these two is simply magical, and every time they sing together I get chills.  I'm definitely hoping for a spin-off show next year featuring these two (and Blaine of course!) in New York because this show will be so dull without them next year.

By far my favorite number of the episode.  Blaine is definitely one of the best singers on the show, and now he's at McKinley!  I would have liked that plot progression to have spanned over a couple of episodes because the switch just happened too quickly.  There couldn't have been a better way to announce his arrival though than with this song.  Definitely looking forward to all the great Blaine songs that we're going to get this season!

This song comes from the runner-up of The Glee Project.  Rachel and Kurt go to a "mixer" for a New York City college, but they got a little more than they bargained for.  The students performed a mash-up of 'Anything Goes' and 'Anything You Can Do' led by Harmony, and completely broke down Kurt and Rachel's emotional walls.  I have to say that Harmony is an amazing vocalist, and I actually got chills listening to this song.  One of the best moments of the episode though was the moment in the car between Kurchel.  So touching.

You can't finish the season premiere of Glee without the standard, feel-good final uptempo number.  It was simply a fun song that puts a smile on your face.  Seeing the group back together (with Blaine and without Santana, Lauren and Quinn) was simply splendid.

This episode we were introduced to lots of new story lines: Sue announcing her platform as disbanding all the arts programs, Quinn being a rebel, Blaine attending McKinley, Santana being kicked out of the New Directions because she pledged her allegiance to the Cheerios, Lauren dumping Puck because Glee Club is no longer cool, Will and Emma living together, Rachel choosing 'West Side Story' to be this year's school musical, and Kurt running for class President.  All of these are definitely interesting progressions and it'll be fun to see where they take us this season.  And remember, you should all be treasuring this season because afterwards many of the best characters will be gone next year.  It feels great to have the show back on television and I am anxiously looking forward to next week's episode 'I Am Unicorn'.


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