Sunday, October 9, 2011

SNL Watch: October 8, 2011

This week's host was the legendary funny man, Ben Stiller.  I was actually a little underwhlemed by his performances last night.  I have always liked Ben Stiller as an actor and the 'Meet the Fockers' trilogy have always been some of my favorite movies.  I just felt like he didn't deliver tonight, and he just wasn't funny.  At least you've got people like Kristin Wiig and Bill Hader on this show that will make it funny no matter what.  The musical guest was Foster the People.  I really don't care for their music, and after last night I dislike it even more.  Their lead singer has such a feeble voice and it was actually embarrassing for me to watch him.  Not impressed.

These two sketches were definitely the best of Ben throughout the night.  Unfortunately, I could not find a clip of Stefon's return to Weekend Update.  Personally, the Stefon segments are some of the funniest things on the show, and last night I was cracking up the whole time he was on just like always.  We also got to see the return of the infamous Zoolander.  

UPDATE:  Here's the Stefon clip.  Enjoy!!

And here's Kristin Wiig bringing on the laughs.

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