Saturday, October 22, 2011

The X Factor UK: Top 11

It's Rock Week on The X Factor!  Wow, was that an explosive show or what?  And I'm not just talking about the talent.  I thought the judges were going to rip each other's throats out tonight.  I don't think I've seen so much bickering before, and I even thought that some of them were way out of line (Tulisa, I'm looking at you).  On the other hand, I thought most of the acts tonight did an amazing job.

Marcus Collins
Best performance of the live shows from Marcus tonight.  The last few weeks he had just been boring and not really showing what he has to offer, but tonight he totally hit one out of the park.  This is the Marcus I was waiting to see, and I hope that this performance gave him the confidence to be even better next week.

Janet Devlin
This week I got a total Florence + The Machine vibe from Janet.  I loved what she did with the song, and I think it was even better than last week.  I really hope she does more great upbeat performances like this one because she really proved that she can be a pop star.

Sami Brookes
I have to say, I wasn't all that impressed with Sami this week.  The song just didn't resonate within me, and I wasn't feeling the connection.  You could tell she hated the song and just wanted to put on a good performance so that she could get it done with.  I really don't understand why Louis does this to his contestants.  I totally agree with Gary's comment that Louis takes bad acts and makes them worse.  He's just having fun on the show to the detriment of his own contestants careers.  I really feel like someone needs to have a chat with Louis because he's not allowing Sami to be the best she can be.

Ke$ha?  Really, Tulisa?  Adding guitars to 'Tik Tok' does not make it a rock song.  Anyway, I thought the girls did a great job with the song.  It really felt like they are a great band, and I can't wait to see what they have to offer in the future.

Frankie Cocozza
I really love Frankie and enjoy his vocals, but I feel like the show is really misrepresenting him.  They're forcing an image on the viewer that isn't really there.  I thought Frankie gave his best performance tonight since his audition, and I really hope that he is here for more weeks to come.  I do believe he'll be trouble tomorrow though so I really hope this isn't the last I'll be writing on him.

The Risk
The Risk were terrible tonight.  I was actually shocked that the judges praised them so highly.  I thought their harmonies were completely off, and there were a few notes that were scathingly out of tune.  These guys are a great boy band, but they definitely had an off night.

Johnny Robinson
It's, Johnny!  Louis finally allowed Johnny's vocals to shine!  Johnny definitely has an interesting voice, and I am so happy that the public were finally able to experience that.  I could not believe that the crowd was that loud!  I'm glad that they really like Johnny since he deserves the chance to shine.

Misha B
I was a little let down by Misha tonight.  Yeah, she has incredible vocals and proved that again tonight, but I thought the performance was very bland and lacked originality.  I was expecting a showstopper from her, but it never came.  I felt that Tulisa tonight was completely out of line by bringing up backstage drama on the live show.  It was shockingly rude of her to do that, and I was surprised that Misha didn't break down crying being humiliated like that on national television.  I would have been bawling my eyes out by those offensive comments.  I really hope she apologizes because it was out of line for her to say those things.

Overall, it was a very good show.  Craig still couldn't be any more lackluster for me, and Kitty is a GaGa copycat.  Come on, who uses the flaming piano as a staple in her shows?  Lady GaGa.  End of story: be original.  Sophie is boring beyond a doubt and I really hope she goes soon because she is far from being "my little pop star."  My picks for Bottom Two tomorrow: Frankie and Misha.  I only chose Misha because I think Tulisa's comments may have made people look at her in a different light.  I really hope this isn't the outcome, but we'll just have to wait and see.  Tulisa was off her rocker tonight, and I think Louis's getting an inferiority complex.  He's become a "joke" judge himself and it's not boding well for him.  This is only the third week of live shows so I'm interested to see what the rest of the weeks are going to bring.

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