Sunday, October 16, 2011

The X Factor UK: Top 12

Welcome to my first ever The X Factor UK blog post!  I refrained from doing one last week because there were so many acts and four of them were brutally cut so I didn't feel like it was worth it to invest in those acts only to lose them.  So here we go!  I enjoyed this week a lot and I felt like the acts really delivered the theme of Love and Heartbreak.  Last week I could say the Girls group was the best by far, but this week I felt like each group had extremely good performances and it's hard to decide who will go home tomorrow.

Nu Vibe
Now I know that Nu Vibe has been getting a lot of flack like they don't have any chemistry, their vocals are not on par, but I really think they have it in them to be a great boy band.  They have the personality, the looks, and the image but I just need to see them give a really good performance next week.  I do believe they are in danger of going home tomorrow night so I hope I'm wrong.

Sami Brooks
I thought Sami did amazing this week.  'I Will Always Love You' is such a difficult song to sing, and Sami pulled it off flawlessly.  I definitely disagree with Gary; I don't think it was cruise ship-y.  She did her thang and showed just how talented she is.

Janet Devlin
Janet is amazing every single week, but I think that this was her best performance to date.  I felt every word that left her lips, and her voice was oozing with passion.  When you can feel that in your home then you know that she is incredible.  Can't wait to see her do something up tempo!

Frankie Cocozza
My favorite boy of the competition, and my second favorite overall: it's Frankie!  Frankie has been one of the frontrunners in the competition for me, but I feel like Gary isn't making him the pop star that he deserves to be.  The Coldplay song this week sounded exactly the same as his song last week.  I want something different that will wow me so I hope he brings the punch next week because I want him in the finale.

Johnny Robinson
Here's Johnny!  It took me a while to warm up to Johnny because I never thought his voice was all that special, but since he's been on the live show I have fallen in love with him.  His performances have been the most entertaining by far this year, but I do agree with the other judges in that I want him to sing a ballad next week so people won't think he's a joke act.  He can sing and I want to see him do better.

Marcus Collins
Marcus was one of my favorites in the beginning, but he's starting to lose me.  He's got a great personality and great voice, but the songs he sang last week and this week have been underwhelming.  I just don't think he knows what kind of artist he is and so he just needs to figure that out.

I don't know if Rhythmix can win the show, but they are something different that I think can do well in the UK.  They're a more urban girl group that will burst on the scene and rule the charts.  They have it in them, and tonight's performance showed that.  They can rock the stage so I can't wait to see what they do next week.

Misha B
Misha is the one to beat in this competition.  Hands down my favorite act on the show this year.  But having said that she'll probably wind up placing second or third.  Her performance last week was the BEST performance I have ever seen on any talent show so I'm including that video here as well because it deserves to be seen.  What she did to 'Rolling In the Deep' was incredible.  This week I thought the song choice was a little boring, but she gave a great performance.  There's no doubt she's a star.

The Risk
The Risk are a great boy band and I can see them taking the UK by storm.  Both their performances last week and this week were perfect.  Their vocals are suave and they have great chemistry.  Not much else to say about them.

Like I said, the show was a great episode and I can't wait for next week.  Can I just say that Kitty destroyed that Björk song?  No one, I repeat no one, should ever sing a Björk song other than Björk.  It was a travesty.  And Sophie Habibis is so forgettable.  I don't see her as a little "pop star."  I think either Nu Vibe or Marcus will go home, but we'll see.  Hope you enjoyed my first The X Factor UK post!

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