Tuesday, January 24, 2012

'My Heart Is Broken' Music Video by Evanescence

Evanescence have been my favorite band since eighth grade, and to this day they are still my favorite.  Amy Lee, lead singer and front woman, has one of the best voices in the music industry and I get chills when I listen to her.  The easiest way to explain it is to say that her voice is angelic.  'My Heart Is Broken' is the second single of their self-titiled third studio album, and not only is it the best song on the album but it's one of my all-time favorites of theirs mainly because Amy gets to show off her voice.  Don't let the sappy title deter you; this song is hauntingly beautiful.  Not only is this one of my favorite Evanescence songs, but it is also one of my favorite videos.  The concept is really cool with Amy creating the world around her with a small ball of light.  It is a concept that she borrowed from one of her favorite movies, 'Paperhouse'.  The visuals are stunning and Amy is an incredible actress who brings her lyrics alive as she sings.  Evanescence never disappoint, and I hope they get some success with this song because it would be a shame for the world not to hear it.

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