Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Novel Writing

          Hey, guys!  I just wanted to keep you up to date with my new venture: novel writing!  That's right, I've finally decided to write my first novel.  It's been an extremely long time coming, but I'm glad I've finally gotten the passion to carry it out.  As you are well aware of, writing is my Number One passion and I couldn't live without it.
          Ever since I was little I have been writing my own stories, and in Fifth Grade I even won the Young Author's award for my grade level.  It was such a cool experience, and from that moment on I knew that there was nothing more I wanted to do in the world than to write.  In seventh grade I had an amazing Language Arts teacher that required us to write a short story every quarter.  Of course everyone else's stories were a page or two and mine were all at least ten!  During the third quarter I wrote this really cool and original story entitled Midnight Madness.  It was my best work to date and everyone in the class loved it.  In short, it was a fantasy horror novel that included werewolves and the likes.  During the following months I toyed with the story and tried to expand it, but I never saw it through.  Then in eight grade this club started called Writer's Guild and, as the name implies, it was a collection of writers and we all came together to share ideas, tips and tricks, etc.  There were even juniors and seniors that helped us with our writing.  It was a great experience and I really furthered my story into something that I was proud of, but when the year ended I just didn't continue it.
          As I sat down last night to pick up the story again I decided to go with an entirely new and fresh concept.  I felt like the whole werewolf / vampire thing has been so overdone recently that I didn't want to continue down that path since it wouldn't be "original".  The new novel that I've decided to write is tentatively titled Murder In Applewood and is a crime thriller novel.  Those are always popular novels and I think I have a good approach to it that makes it fresh.  So far I've written a basic summary of the book and hope to get crackin' on it real soon.  My plan is to have it finished and ready to be published in late Spring / early Summer next year.  You ask, how am I going to publish my novel?  The answer: Amazon.  Amazon has taken the book world by storm recently, most importantly with the Kindle (which I love so much that words cannot express), but they have also revolutionized the ease with which one can publish their written work.  Basically, in a matter of two days you can publish your book and have it available for purchase as an e-book.  This is my plan so far, and if anyone here has crazy good Photoshop skills then I might just have to recruit you to make the cover of my book later down the line.  With publishing an e-book by an indie writer comes a lot of self-promotion, of which I already have some great ideas for, including a website.  Hopefully this will all come to fruition, and then next May or June you can all go to Amazon and download Murder In Applewood!  I will, of course, keep you all up to date on this process and I can't wait for you to read the end result.

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