Saturday, November 26, 2011

The X Factor UK: Top 5

This is one of my favorite times of the competition because we get to hear two songs from each contestant.  When you don't dislike any of the finalists it's great!  The contestants took on a Guilty Pleasure song, as well as a song from their heroes.  The Guilty Pleasures brought down both Janet and Little Mix, but otherwise it was a great show.

Little Mix
Let's face it.  The song was a train wreck.  Sometimes Bieber's 'Baby' can be done well, but 95% of the time it fails miserably.  I felt like Little Mix took a huge step backward with this performance.  It seemed very karaoke to me, and they are capable of so much more.  Disappointed.

Janet Devlin
She forgot her lyrics.  AGAIN.  Come on Janet, this is getting ridiculous.  To add to the unprofessionalism she picked a horrendous song.  How did she ever think she could pull that off well?  Good thing there's a second song because she blew it.

Misha B
Misha B is back!  I've been waiting for the old Misha to come back because the past few weeks she's been toning down her image in order to get votes.  She was becoming boring, but this performance put her back in the game.  I love seeing her have fun on stage and just letting loose.  I need her debut album now.

Marcus Collins
When the song first started I wasn't sure if it was going to work, but once Marcus got into the groove he pulled it off flawlessly.  He could seriously release that as a single right now and have huge success.  I love that he's gotten into touch with what type of artist he is and is showing us his potential.

Amelia Lily
To be honest, I really didn't care for this performance.  I was surprised when the judges started raving over it because I felt like it was too boring and her vocals were so bland.  I really did not enjoy it, but that doesn't mean that this girl can't sing.

Little Mix
This is what Little Mix should be doing, not Bieber crap.  Their performance of 'Beautiful' showed off their vocal talent and why they are a girl group that can take the word by storm.  Perri is an incredible singer, and I can't wait to see what they are going to do in the finals.  

Janet Devlin
Janet totally redeemed herself!!!  I thought this was her best performance to date.  I was very surprised that the judges didn't like it more.  I dislike the Red Hot Chili Peppers but her performance of that song was amazing.  After that performance Janet had a legitimate shot at staying in the competition.

Misha B
The beginning of the song wasn't connecting with me, but as she got into it I really came to like it.  It wasn't my favorite performance of hers, but I thought it was a great mix of the Beast Misha and the toned-down Misha.  That song could definitely be on her album.

Marcus Collins
I actually disliked this performance.  I have been waiting for Marcus to sing a ballad but the voice-cracking and pitchiness ruined it for me.  I thought it would be better, but I was let down.  He definitely should stick to the up-tempo, big production numbers.

Amelia Lily
Now that is the way to close the show!  I have NEVER, and I mean never, heard someone sing a Kelly Clarkson song as good as Kelly does herself.  She seriously sounded like that was her song and she released it ten years ago.  After that performance Amelia should win the show.  Best way to end the show.

Going into the show I felt that Janet was the weakest performer of the five and that she would be going home this week.  Boy was I right.  Janet blew her chances this week and there was no surprise that she was the one to be eliminated.  I was shocked to see Misha B in the bottom again, but I guess it was destined to happen.  The best contestant never wins.  Oh well.  The semi-finals should be great next week!

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