Tuesday, November 29, 2011

'I Kissed a Girl' by Glee

Glee is on a roll this year!  This season is just as good as the first, and I'm glad that the writers have seemed to have gotten their mojo back.  I know I say this almost every week, but this has to be one of my favorite Glee episodes yet.  (Most) everything was handled really well, and it was very emotional.  The episode had many facets to it which usually results in disaster, but between both elections, Beiste's love life, a coming out and sexual relations with a teacher the episode was a boat load of Glee fun!

I loved every song performed in this episode, but the Klaine duet has to be my favorite.  Not only is P!nk's song one of the best ever self-acceptance songs, but the pairing of Blaine and Kurt just simply can't be beat.  They both know how to deliver emotionally charged songs and look cute singing it at the same time.  Such a great song!

Next we have a Puck solo.  Puck's really a great singer and I love when he gets these guitar-driven songs because he seems to thrive on them.  Even though Puck was supposed to be singing it to Santana he was intentionally directing the lyrics to Shelby.  I'm still not sure if I truly like this plot line or not.

Next song on the "Feel Better, Santana"-train is a very stripped down version of this classic sung by Finn.  For Finn I thought this was one of his best vocals.  I was actually surprised by how good it was.  I did miss the upbeat nature of the song, but I think it worked well.  It's great to see that Santana and Finn are getting along (for how long, I wonder?) and hopefully we can move forward. 

Coach Beiste blew me away with this one!  We have only heard her sing once before and it was just okay, but she can actually sing well as evidence in this Dolly Parton standard.  Sue, aka Jolene, has stolen Beiste's man in order to win the congressional election and it has clearly upset her.  Her delivery of the song was outstanding, and I really hope to hear more from her in the future.  Afterwards, her confrontation with Sue and Cooter was very emotional and for the first time we really got to see the real Beiste.  It was great to see.

This is just a song that you cannot dislike.  It gets you grooving and having fun, so when the girls starting singing it that's exactly what I was doing.  I thought it was a great way for the girls to show their support of Santana and it was a fun way to celebrate their relationship.  The looks on Rory's face were priceless!  I couldn't help laughing.

When Santana sings a ballad she smashes it out of the park, and this was no different.  After her Abuela's disowning of her and the very emotional moment that that scene created Santana funneled all her feelings into this song and left it all on the table.  I actually could have done without Shelby singing, but it was fine.  It was a beautiful way to end the episode's musical numbers.

As always, the best candidate for student council president loses (poor Kurt) and the popular chick with no viable platform wins.  Typical high school.  But in a shocking turn of events Rachel rigged the election in order for Kurt to win so that he could get into NYADA.  The plan backfired and she ended up being suspended for a week and banned from Sectionals (OMG!).  It'll be interesting to see what that brings next week.  I'm sure she'll be involved somehow.  Even though Kurt won, his father Burt, thankfully, beat out Sue!!  I can't wait to see what this has in store for us because I'm sure Burt's political doings will find their way into the show.  Remember how I said last week that I wasn't sure I was okay with Finn outing Santana?  Well, I couldn't be happier that he did it.  It's brought about a much needed change for Santana and hopefully she'll be a nicer person in the weeks to come.  Wow, was that an exhausting review to write!  So much happened in so little time.  Can't wait for Sectionals and the return of Sam (the newly-turned stripper) next week!

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