Saturday, November 19, 2011

The X Factor UK: Top 6

It's Movie Week on The X Factor and the show is abound with horrible movie puns.  What did you expect?  This show was a little more boring than the past ones have been, but there is no denying the unbelievable talent that is still on the show.  My favorites of the night had to be Misha, Little Mix and Marcus.  Definitely hard to call who will be going home this week.

Janet Devlin
This had to be one of my favorite performances from Janet.  She genuinely seemed happy and comfortable on stage with this song and I think the audience felt that as well.  It was an uptempo but perfectly suited to her voice.  Much better than the past few weeks.

Amelia Lily
Amelia's a British Christina Aguilera!  I thought Amelia's style was rock, but apparently she can pull off some Aretha Franklin like a pro.  She has the chops to send her far in this competition.  I really hope she makes it to the finals because I think she deserves it, but not only that, she could legitimately win this show.

Misha B
Misha's video package was very emotional, and I think it helped her deliver a very emotionally charged performance.  While I thought she sung the song incredibly and gave a perfect performance, I'm a little upset that the real Misha has been softened in order to get votes.  I fell in love with the girl that changed the game with her performances, but now she's being too safe.  I need her to bring the artistry next week.

Little Mix
We finally got to hear a mid-tempo and their vocals!  I thought this performance, just like with 'E.T.', showed their true artistry and the power they have as a girl group.  They're ready to take the UK by storm.  I still want to see a real ballad though.  

Marcus Collins
This was much better than last week's performance.  I felt like Marcus stayed true to himself but changed it up a bit.  The choir was a nice addition to the performance.  He's slowly losing a bit of his charm for me, though, so I think he really needs to give an incredible performance next week if he wants to make it to the finals.

As you can see, this week was an all around good week.  Truly the only person whose performance I did not enjoy was Craig's.  It was SO boring.  He's just doing the same thing every week, and I think he's losing his novelty.  It's a tough call as to who will be going this week.  My call would be either Craig or Janet, but I know they have mega huge fan bases so I'm really not sure.  We could be in for a shocker this week!

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