Friday, November 18, 2011

'Mash Off' by Glee

This week's episode was pretty good.  Not the best, not the worst.  I was actually starting to like Santana, but this episode really made me hate her.  The Shelby / Puck storyline is definitely developing and getting more interesting.  The Troubletones are incredible, and this episode began the preparation for Sectionals!

I have never hated a Glee song until this week.  This truly had to be the worst song that has ever been done on 'Glee', and I was praying for the TV to stop hurting my ears.  It was that bad.  I didn't enjoy it one bit, and the whole sequence was absolutely stupid and corny as well.  It definitely didn't set a good tone for the rest of the episode, but luckily there were better songs to come.

GaGa!!  I loved the mash up and thought that they did the songs justice, but I didn't think that Shelby's vocals really fit the song.  Will and Shelby are great together, but the song fell just that tiny bit flat for me.  Not a big deal, but it was a little upsetting.

Dodge, Duck, Dip, Dive and Dodge!  Do you remember the 5 D's of dodgeball?  Well, the Glee kids could have used those helpful tips as the rival clubs took out their frustrations with each other through a "friendly" game of dodgeball.  The song was great and lots of fun, but the whole sequence was a little too 'High School Musical' for my tastes.  

In the first annual McKinley High Mash Off the New Directions took the stage first.  Their mash up was a nice retro tune, but I was a little bored by it.  It wasn't anything spectacular.

The Troubletones then took the stage and gave the performance of their lives.  A mash up of two Adele songs can only result in one thing: magic.  And that is what the girls brought.  Mercedes and Santana gave great vocal performances, and by the end of the song I had chills.  It was magnificent and compensated for the couple of duds that this episode contained.

This episode really focused on bullying both in the political world and in the school setting.  Santana was an absolute jerk throughout the entire episode, and when Finn finally confronted her I was like, "Well, it's about time!"  The episode then escalated to the point that Santana was going to be outed on television for the sake of taking down Sue's campaign.  I'm very conflicted on my thoughts on this situation, however.  Of course, you should never out someone, but at the same time I don't feel any remorse for Santana because I feel like karma is coming back to bite her.  I feel like she is getting what she deserves, and hopefully she'll learn her lesson.  And the slap she handed Finn was unwarranted, but it made for a great cliffhanger since we aren't getting any 'Glee' next week.  Definitely an interesting episode.

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