Thursday, March 14, 2013

'Can I Get An Amen?' by RuPaul's Drag Race

This week on RuPaul's Drag Race was the music challenge that has always been one of the most fun to watch each season. Not many queens can sing live, but that has never stopped them as auto-tune can create the most fabulous songs (lookin' at you Manila!). This episode was full of great moments and surprises, and was by far one of my top favorite episodes of the season. Let's get to it!
For the mini-challenge, Ru introduces yet another brand new challenge. The girls have to "Drag In the Dark." Basically, they are in total darkness and have to put on their make-up to the best of their ability. Unlike on All Stars, this is a challenge that really tests the queens' technique and it really shows how skilled these girls are. For the most part the queens do really well. A few were hilarious (like Coco's extreme highlights) and then Alaska turned it into comedy and did an intentionally atrocious job. The winner of the challenge is Detox.
For this week's main challenge, the girls will be writing and recording an inspirational drag anthem in the same vein as the '80s classic 'We Are the World'. I personally think this is a genius idea, and one of the greatest things ever done on the show. Since Detox won the mini-challenge she gets to split the other queens into groups and decides which parts of the song they get. To no one's surprise one group was RoLaskaTox, the other Jade, Ivy and Jinkx, and finally she paired Alyssa and Coco together. Coco and Alyssa are assigned the first verse, Jankxvy get the second verse, and RoLaskaTox take the bridge. The tension between Coco and Alyssa is in full force, and this isn't boding well for them.
We enter the recording studio where the girls will also be filmed for the music video. Lucian Piane, the mastermind behind all of RuPaul's music, is in charge and gets the girls working on the song. First up are Coco and Alyssa, but they don't get started until Coco throws shade at Detox. She's being really snarky, but what annoys me the most is she reads everyone but when gets called out on it she refuses to own up to it. They record their vocals, and both of the girls are atrocious singers. The difference between them is that Alyssa threw some attitude into it which made it fun to watch. Coco, on the other hand, stood there bored out of her mind, and you didn't even want to watch her it was that bad.
Up next are Jankxvy. This was the most surprising group of the day. We all know Jinkx is a classically trained singer so when she busted out her vocals it was no surprise. She sounded incredible, and really brought it. Ivy blew me away. I had no clue she could sing, and she actually has an extremely strong voice. I expect some music from her in the future. We need more music queens! Jade, unfortunately, let her nerves get in the way. She didn't have a bad voice, but she didn't put any power or personality behind it so it fell flat.
And finally we have RoLaskaTox. We all knew Detox and Alaska could sing so there was no surprise there. Detox has the attitude to basically pull off anything, and she did it once again here. I loved it. Alaska was phenomenal in this challenge, and she proved that she has talent up the wazoo for all those who have ever doubted her. Roxxxy was decent. Her freestyle "Where my people at?" was my favorite part of the entire song. But it was her "sequenced gown" tirade that was the highlight of the episode. It was freaking hilarious, despite it being such a stupid mistake. Let's get to the runway portion of the episode where all the hard-hitting questions are asked by LaToya Jackson. Can she just be made a permanent judge already?

Coco Montrese
The theme this week is favorite body part, and so Coco decides to show off her heart. Really? The outfit is atrocious this week. It looks like a bad Sharon Needles outfit, and it does not work in her favor. Paired with her horrendous performance in the challenge she's definitely going to be in the Bottom Two.

Alyssa Edwards
Alyssa wears a caftan this week, but she actually pulls it off unlike Honey who sashayed away a few weeks ago. She looks sickening this week, and her legs are the definition of peanut butter. She really worked the runway this week.

Jade Jolie
Jade disappointed in the main challenge and she disappointed on the runway as well. This hair outfit was just plain ugly, and it pains me to say that I really didn't like Jade this week. She was one of my favorites, but she's definitely going to be in the Bottom Two.

Jinkx Monsoon
This is definitely Jinkx's weakest outfit so far. It just wasn't good. And the contouring this week was beyond anything I've seen before. I don't know what was going through her head when she was doing her make-up. She's so much better than her performances this week, and I hope next week she steps it up and shows all the other girls how it's done.

Roxxxy Andrews
Roxxxy continually impresses on the runway, and this was no different. That reveal was fantastic, and she really knows how to work with her body. I thought all around she had a great week this week.

I love Alaska and want her to do so well in this competition, but if she's going to stick around she needs to step-up her runway looks. She delivers the same look every single week and it's getting annoying. I know she has better looks in her wardrobe, but she needs to gain back her confidence and just bring it.

Detox was the star of the runway this week. Her reveal this week was jaw dropping, and had everyone flipping out. Not only was the "crack is back" a highlight, but her make-up and hair were fierce. She took the cake this week with her runway; definitely her best so far.

Ivy Winters
And finally we have Ivyyyyyyy Winterssssssss. Ivy came out this week with one of her fantastic creations. She made a dress entirely out of photos of herself. She is probably the greatest seamstress the show has ever had, and when coupled with her performance in the main challenge this week, Ivy rose above the competition and blew me away. I had counted her out but she killed it.
Luckily Ru, you weren't the one being judged. But this week, for the girls who were judged, Ivy came out victorious and won the main challenge. The two girls who fell into the Bottom Two were Coco and Jade. It was obvious it would be the two of them. I was really rooting for Jade because Coco has really gotten on my nerves recently. But with the song 'I'm So Excited' it was an unfair advantage for Coco. Both girls killed it, but Coco smashed it out of the park. She is a phenomenal performer. Sadly, Jade was told to sashay away. However, it may not be the last time we see her because if Ru decides to bring a girl back like the past two years then I see Jade as being a huge front runner.
This week on Untucked, Coco and Alyssa went at it again. The gif above pretty much sums up my feelings about this whole feud. It needed to end weeks ago. But this was an Alyssa-centered episode and it was a sob fest. Alyssa's father who hasn't spoken to her in years sent her a video message. It was so sweet and touching, and had everyone in tears. These are the moments that really make Untucked so special. Drag: bringing families together. Next week is the comedy challenge, but this time the girls have to roast Miss RuPaul Charles! This should be fun.

Make sure you buy the song on iTunes HERE because all of the proceeds go to a worthy LGBT cause.

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