Sunday, March 24, 2013

'RuPaul Roast' by RuPaul's Drag Race

This week on RuPaul's Drag Race the queens get read the house down. That's right, this week's episode is home to my second favorite Drag Race mini-challenge: "The Library Is Open." Because reading is what? FUNDAMENTAL! I think it's safe to say that this year's crop of girls are the best readers the show has ever had. Each year only about half the girls can pull it off and make us laugh, but this year every single girl had me rolling on the floor. Detox, Roxxxy, and Jinkx were my favorites, and reading the girls to filth was Miss Alaska. She finally won a mini-challenge, and it was well deserved!
The main challenge this week is the comedy challenge, another big one where queens fall from grace because, let's face it, not all queens are comedy queens. The girls will be participating in the RuPaul Roast in which they can roast Ru, the judges or any of the other queens. This is a genius idea and should turn out very well. Since she won the mini-challenge, Alaska gets to choose the order of the performance. Unlike Shangela back in Season 3 who manipulated the order for her own gain, Alaska took the dignified route and let everyone choose where they wanted to be placed. And she even elected herself to go first which was a shocker.
As the girls begin working on their material, it is quite clear that Ivy and Alyssa are going to struggle. Ivy just doesn't have a single mean bone in her body, and Alyssa thinks she's funny as all get out. My love for Alyssa has been growing each week, and this episode made me love her even more because of her personality. She legitimately thinks she's the funniest person on the planet, when in fact when she tells a joke all "you can hear [are] crickets." Coco's taking an interesting route and creating a character much like Shangela did when she created her now infamous Laquifa. The girls get a chance to try out their material in front of three comedians, and the editors make it look like they're all gonna crash and burn. How did they fare? Let's get to the roast!

Kicking off the roast was Alaska. She killed it, and especially for going first she nailed her jokes. Alaska is a natural comedian and I thought she could have gone even further with it, but it was great either way. Her look was very simple and once again nothing new, but I think this is one of her better looks in the competition so far.

Coco Montrese
I didn't think Coco was going to do well at all, but she committed 110% to her character and delivered. She was one of the funniest out of the bunch, and had Ru in fits of laughter. The fact that she came out so strong in this challenge shocked me, and tells me that she's a fierce queen, but it's her attitude that makes me not want to like her. Her outfit was nice this week, but nothing memorable.

Jinkx Monsoon
Did we think Jinkxy would be anything less than superb? No, and she killed it this week. I absolutely loved everything about it. She's a natural comedian, and she showed all the girls how it's done. What was the highlight of her performance was her outfit. Michelle Visage told her to bring glam, and she shut her up this week. Jinkx looked gorgeous. Everything from the hair to the make-up to the dress was perfect.

Detox was a disappointment this week. She can read anyone any day, but she was just trying way too hard to be funny. And when you don't rely on your natural talent you falter. She had some great lines, but it was obvious that she was nervous and that affected her performance. Her outfit this week was interesting. I loved it and hated it.

Ivy Winters
Did we really expect anything amazing from Ivy? No, and that's good because this was bad. She's just not a comedy queen, and it showed during this challenge. She was forgettable. And the outfit this week was so boring. It wasn't memorable either. Step it up, Ivy!

Roxxxy Andrews
Poor Roxxxy. This was not good. I feel like she's letting the competition get to her and isn't performing as well as she can. She's one of the best at throwing shade this season, but her performance was atrocious. I fee like we're losing Roxxxy, and she needs to get it together because I'm not ready for her to leave. I LOVED her look this week though. It was on point, and one of her best.

Alyssa Edwards
Oh Alyssa...that was not funny. Her performance was positively atrocious. First of all, half the time she didn't even know what jokes she was trying to say, and then when she did manage to get them out they were not even remotely funny. Like I've said before, she's not a comedy queen and that hurt her this week. I thought her outfit was great though. Ru's reaction says it all...
Surprisingly, Coco won the challenge. I thought it was Alaska or Jinkx's for the taking, but Coco turned it out. Unsurprisingly, in the Bottom Two are Roxxxy and Alyssa. As these are two of my favorite queens I was shocked that one of them was going to go home. But fortunately, they gave the fiercest lip sync in all of Drag Race herstory. I'm not kidding. Their performance of Willow Smith's 'Whip My Hair' was jaw dropping. And Roxxxy's wig trick? Gurl, that was fierce. After the lip sync, Roxxxy broke down in tears and said that her mother left her and her sister at a bus stop when she was a kid. It was heart-breaking and she said she felt like she has never belonged anywhere. Ru gave an inspiring and impassioned twist, and in an (un)surprising move decided to save both queens. Shocker! NOT.
In the Untucked episode, we basically concentrated the whole time on Roxxxy's emotional confession. It was really heart breaking to watch, and tears were streaming everywhere. What brought on the whole story was that the girls got to see everyone's baby pictures which is (usually) a fun thing for the queens. It hit home, and drove Roxxxy to give a fierce lip sync in the end. This was another great episode, and next week we get to see the sexiest mini-challenge ever (which is chock full of Andrew Christian models), and the queens create their own fragrance lines. Marketing fish, here we come!

And I couldn't leave you without witnessing the greatest lip sync EVER!

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