Thursday, December 8, 2011

The X Factor USA: Top 5

This week the Top 5 took on dance hits as well as their "Save Me" songs after a miscommunication caused the Pepsi Choice Performance votes to be interpreted inaccurately.  With only two acts in the Top 5 this week that I enjoy I must say that I was pretty bored throughout much of the show.  Nicole's useless "judging" is getting on my nerves, and everyone ganging up on Simon is being done just to stir up controversy.  Simon better be planning an overhaul for next year because the show needs some serious adjustments.  I'll probably do a whole post on that after the show finishes in a few weeks.  This week's show actually got me pretty fired up, and if you read my tweets from last night you'll see what I mean.  I guess I should probably get on with my review, huh?

Melanie Amaro
For Melanie's dance number she performed Adele's 'Someone Like You'.  At first I wasn't sure about it, but it actually turned into something captivating.  Melanie handled an uptempo electro-pop song effortlessly, and she really made it her own.  I enjoyed seeing this side of Melanie, and this performance showed how versatile she truly is.

Rachel Crow
I'm so glad that Simon's allowing Rachel to choose her own songs again.  She knows who she is as an artist, and tonight proved that.  B.o.B.'s 'Nothin' On You' was actually a perfect choice, and I liked the twist Rachel gave it.  You can see that when she enjoys a song she gives her best performances.  I could actually see her releasing a song like this and finding success.  Vocals weren't perfect, but who really cares about that, right?

Melanie Amaro
That was hands down my favorite Melanie performance so far.  She blew the roof off that place with those huge, bellowing pipes of hers.  Big ballads are her niche, and since we've seen tonight how versatile she is I believe that she could have a fair amount of success in the mainstream world.

Rachel Crow
When Rachel gets the opportunity to sing a ballad she absolutely smashes it.  Every time she sings like this I fall in love with her all over again, and I sincerely cannot wait to buy her album.  She has some powerful pipes for being so young.  Again, when she picks her songs she shines like the bright star she is.

Obviously it wasn't Melanie and Rachel who made me mad, but it was all the boys.  All three of them failed on at least one of their songs.  Marcus' dance song was simply atrocious and after a few similar performances it can be concluded that he is not a big production performer.  He just doesn't have the charisma or the dance moves to pull it off.  His second song I actually liked because his vocals were the best they've been all season, but at the same time it made me so frustrated because this was the Marcus I liked in the beginning but then he totally lost my respect.  I could not dislike Josh anymore than I do now. First, he absolutely MURDERED Rihanna's 'We Found Love' which he should have never been encouraged to sing, and then his second song was so predictable and boring.  Plus, I thought the vocals were flawed.  Chris' first song was also atrocious, and it's safe to say that he cannot sing (and I think we've learned that too well over the past few weeks).  Plus, his raps that he wrote were so amateur compared to Astro's that I actually felt sorry for him.  Embarrassing!  And then for his second song I thought that it was a cheap move to sing an original song.  While it wasn't that bad of a song, what really irked me was what type of artist he is.  I thought he was a rapper, and then for the past few weeks he's done a lot of mainstream singing, and then with this he went into a total country vibe.  Who he is?  I won't even discuss the judges because they're really driving me up-the-wall-bonkers and I could rant forever.  The Bottom Two should be Chris and Marcus, but I have a feeling that it will probably be Marcus and Rachel with maybe a surprise appearance of Josh.  If Rachel ends up in the Bottom Two I hope that the judges don't pull the stunt they did last week with Drew and send her packing because she's a threat to the others.  Clearly, if Marcus is there for the third time then obviously America doesn't like him and he should go home.  Sorry for all the ranting this week but I felt it was necessary.  Next week is the semi-finals and hopefully one of the boys won't be there.

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