Saturday, December 10, 2011

My GaGa's Workshop at Barneys Visit

Today I decided to go on a little NYC adventure which included stops at the 5th Avenue Apple Store, Rockefeller Center, Macy's and Times Square, but the whole thing started with a stop at GaGa's Worskhop housed on the 5th floor of Barneys.   Last month I attended the ribbon cutting ceremony with GaGa herself present, but I did not get to go inside at that time.  My mission was twofold: buy something for myself, and buy something for my wonderful friend and fashion blogger Amber of Amberlee Tea.
The store was absolutely incredible!  You step off the escalator and head through a tiny hallway that builds the anticipation.  Then you literally step into a GaGa wonderland.  You walk into this dark yet colorful and zany shop that is unlike anything you've seen before.  GaGa music is blaring over the sound system, and everyone there is literally in awe.  I'm pretty sure that this is probably what GaGa's mind looks like.
I probably walked around the store five or six times.  There was just so much to look at and I honestly couldn't decide what to buy.  Since it's Barneys everything is a little overpriced, but the nice thing is that 25% of all sales are donated to GaGa's new charity the Born This Way Foundation.  So at least if you're going to spend money you know that some of it is going to a good cause.  I've heard a few stories about not many people buying stuff and that most of the people there were just window shopping.  That could not be further from the truth.  Almost everyone there was buying something, and I was surprised at how much some people were purchasing.  Everything in there is so unique that I would have loved to buy so much more.

The display of the more expensive items was one of my favorite parts of the store.  The infamous Mickey Mouse glasses from the 'Telephone' video were my absolute favorite.  If only I could afford them...
These GaGa bust candles had to be my favorite items in the entire store.  In person they are absolutely gorgeous, and they are HUGE.  They were a little over a foot tall, and I'm sure they would be pretty heavy.  When you light them the wax is designed to be funneled through her eyes so it look like she is crying.  Oh how I wanted one, but $200 for a candle is a little bit out of my price range.
Trying to spend as little money as possible, I bought the tea tin because I though it be something great that I could have on display.  I won't reveal what I bought Amber, but I think it will probably end up on her blog so look out for that!  You get a special GaGa's Workshop bag with your purchase so you also get another little memento.  If you happen to be in NYC before January 2nd you have to go check it out.  If you can't make it you can buy some of the stuff online at Barneys website.  This is truly a one of a kind experience.  So glad I chose to go to NYU!

1 comment:

  1. You're the best, darling!
    It looks like you had so much fun. I'm quite jealous. I wish I could've gone!
