Tuesday, September 25, 2012

'Die Young' by Ke$ha

It's been a long two years without any new Ke$ha music. While her music is just feel good dance music, it's amazing how much I've missed her on the radio. She's a unique artist who fills a very specific void, but not to worry because she's back with the debut single off her second studio album. 'Die Young' is a very noticeable departure from the sound of Animal and the Cannibal EP. The biggest difference may be the lack of auto-tune that dominated her earlier songs. We actually get to hear her sing, and it's actually pretty good. What's cool about this song is that the chorus has this tribal sound with the drums and it has almost a grunge feel as well, but then in comes the big dance beat that's pretty near perfect. Seriously, this may be my favorite Ke$ha song ever. The song is everything she needed to do in order to establish a more credible reputation, and now I'm even more excited to hear her new album.

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