Friday, November 9, 2012

'RuPaul's Gaff-In' by RuPaul's All Stars Drag Race

This week on All Stars the girls were challenged with a celebrity impersonation act which was incorporated into an overall comedy challenge. Everyone's favorite episode of Drag Race (at least for me) is the Snatch Game so on this new season they took it and placed it in another context. Unfortunately, this was the weakest episode of any season of Drag Race for me. I intensely disliked it which I have never done before with this show. For the mini-challenge the girls were contestants on Ru's new game show In Da Butt Ru. It was basically a version of The Newlywed Game where each girl was asked a question about their partner and they had to answer the same thing. It was a lot of fun and we got to learn interesting things about them like what type of underwear they wear to bed, whether they prefer sleeping on the top bunk or the bottom bunk (a bit of a sexual innuendo), and their favorite RuPaul songs. I would have loved it to be a longer segment (and you'll see why in a moment) because it let us get to know the girls a bit better. And plus it was hilarious! And then it was time to tell the girls what their main challenge was.
The girls were challenged to come up with celebrity impersonations and write comedy material for a sketch show entitled RuPaul's Gaff-In. The sketch comprised of three parts: a cocktail party with celebrity guest judge Vicky Lawrence, a joke exchange with Ru, and a joke wall. For their impersonations Tammie Brown was Tammy Faye Messner, Nina Flowers was La Lupe, Latrice was Oprah, Manila was Madonna, Raven was Bea Arthur, Jujubee was Fran Drescher, Shannel was Lucille Ball, Chad was Bette Davis, Yara was Charo and Alexis was Shakira. The cocktail party was honestly useless. It really was not needed, except it was there to show the girls either flubbing lines or knocking it out of the park. The second segment with Ru was stupid as well. It wasn't even remotely funny, and I was bored. Then came the joke wall. This is probably the tackiest and most ridiculous thing they've ever done on the show. The whole joke wall setup was leading towards disaster before they even began, and then the Queens couldn't deliver any good jokes. They all fell flat and were either not funny, or their celebrity impersonations faltered. So disappointed with this and I hope they never ever do it again. Now on to the runway, the one redeeming portion of this episode!

Yara's look this week was to die for! She looked like she came straight out of the '60s. The hair, the dress, everything was perfect. Alexis was just blah. Her look was boring, and I'm surprised Yara let her go out on the runway like that. As for their celebrity impersonations, Yara as Charo was hands down the best Queen of the show this week. Her Charo was spot on, and it was hilarious to watch. She blew everyone out of the water. Alexis as Shakira was absolutely horrible. She almost looked at her, but she didn't sound anything like her or acted like her at all. I love Alexis, but Yara is carrying both of them. Unsurprisingly, Yarlexis were the winners of this week's challenge.

Manila!!!! I have to say that other than maybe Raja, Manila always has one of the best looks out of everyone, and she never misses the mark. I loved her look because it was a classic '60s cartoon look, and unlike Michelle Visage I lived for that white eyeliner. And Manila's quip back at Michelle was one of the best things ever on the show. Latrice's look was just okay. I would have loved a longer dress on her, and why didn't she hem the edges?! I loved the hair though. Manila took on Madonna, and I really didn't like it. I think what was distracting was the gap in her teeth. The black was just too thick and wide and that's all I could concentrate on. Latrice's Oprah was a flop. It was so boring, and Latrice cannot do scripted comedy to save her life. Sadly, Latrila was placed in the Bottom Two.

OMGag! Chad Michaels served the fiercest look I think she has ever done. EVERYTHING about it was perfection. I loved the hair and the dress, and she looked incredible. Shannel, on the other hand, looked horrendous. Her look was more of the "let's make fun of the '60s" than actual sixties. The colors were disgusting, and I thought she looked terrible. But apparently the judges loved it...Once again, Shannel failed me with her impersonation of Lucille Ball. First, you have to actually be able to do the cry/whine of Lucy perfectly otherwise you just don't do Lucille. Her impersonation was atrocious. Chad, on the other hand, was great. I'm not very familiar with Bette Davis, but I loved the impersonation and she was actually very funny.

Can we just crown Rujubee the winners already? Even though they haven't won a challenge yet, I don't think there's any possible way they won't be in the finale. If they were judged on complimentary outfits they would have won. I LOVED both their looks, and it was simple classic '60s attire. Category is: '60s realness! Raven looked particularly stunning. With their impersonations, I wasn't familiar with either of the women, but they both were pretty good. Jujubee was hilarious as Fran Drescher, and I thought she was second best this week. I couldn't stop laughing. Raven was just middle pack for me.

I thought Nina's look this week was much better. Last week was atrocious, but she redeemed herself. She looked sickening. While I didn't really care for Tammie's look, I could watch her walk the runway for hours. She is by far the most entertaining Queen when it comes to the runway. In terms of the impersonations they were the worst team. No one even knows who La Lupe is so that was a risky choice for Nina, but then she was boring which didn't help. Tammie's problem was that she was Tammie instead of Tammy Fae Messner. And then playing off of Nina made the act even worse. Obviously, team Brown Flowers fell into the Bottom Two.

For the lip-sync between teams Brown Flowers and Latrila, Tammie and Lartice took the reigns. Latrice gave the song her signature gospel style and it was spellbinding to watch. She absolutely killed it. But so did Tammie. She is so freaking quirky that I can't keep my eyes off of her, and she was soooo entertaining. I actually think Tammie won that lip sync performance, but I'm a die-hard Manila fan so I was glad Latrila was told to shanté and Team Brown Flowers were told to sashay away. Sadly, one of the fiercest competitors ever (Ms. Nina Flowers!) left too soon, and the Queen who I fell in love with for the first time last episode is gone as well. It just goes to show how cutthroat this competition is. In the end I think it was the right decision.

Untucked was a very emotional episode as Chad got an amazing surprise in the big pink furry box. Chad got a video message from her father who she hasn't spoken to in decades. It was a beautiful moment to witness, but it was the reactions from the other Queens that blew it out of proportion. Manila shared a few beautiful words, and Yara completely broke down into hysterics. I've never seen the Queens so vulnerable, and it was by far the most powerful episode of Untucked in the show's herstory. Why am I enjoying Untucked more than the actual show this year? Yikes!

RuPaul's Gaff-In Sketches:

Runway Looks:

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