Sunday, November 18, 2012

'The Role You Were Born to Play' by Glee

It's been a long hiatus without Glee, but to be honest I really didn't miss it all that much. I know that's sad to say, but I really haven't been enjoying this season very much. After the last episode left three relationships in ruin, no one really knew what to expect this week. The Glee Club are gearing up for the school musical which has been chosen to be the ever popular Grease, and this episode is the first part of a two-parter Glease phenomenon. After watching the episode, I have to say that my faith in Glee has been lost.

The first number of the episode comes from the ever incredible Blaine. Unfortunately, this is basically the only time we see or even hear from Blaine for practically the entire episode. Let's face it, Blaine is the only redeeming part of watching the McKinley High scenes, and removing him throws these scenes into ruin. The song, however, was really beautifully sung, and you could really feel Blaine's passion. Although, it was a tad too cheesy. 

This may be one of the worst songs I've ever heard on Glee. P!nk is just one of those artists you don't mess with. Unique and Marley sing this as their audition song for the musical. For starters, their voices did not blend well together, and Unique should NOT have been singing this song. It was atrocious.

This episode saw the introduction of The Glee Project Season 2 winner, Blake Jenner. The new student, Ryder Lynn, is on the football team and Finn recruits him to be in the musical. What I hated about this is that they're simply recreating Finn's storyline and replacing him with Ryder. There's absolutely no originality. Thankfully Ryder has a better voice than Finn ever did. This is a duet between Ryder and Finn and is quite a bit of fun. It only took four seasons, but we finally found Finn's niche: '80s classic rock. Finn, for the first time, sounds perfect on this song. It's almost scary how good his voice sounds.

For their audition, Kitty and Jake decided to tackle the ever popular Neon Trees song. Surprisingly, it was one of the better numbers of the episode. Jake's got a great voice, and if they can write his character well he might become a redeeming factor for this show. Overall, a very good song choice and performance.

This was a bizarre performance. I didn't like the song choice at all, and then it was chosen as the call back song for Marley, Kitty, Ryder and Jake. Mercedes and Mike come back to help with choreography for the show (don't they have school work they need to be doing?). The six of them team up for the big group number, and I hated it. It was terrible, and cheesy beyond belief. I didn't even really care for their vocals on this one. Even Mercedes was subpar, and she's one of my favorite characters. 

The episode mainly dealt with the kids auditioning for Grease. We find out that Blaine, who would have been the perfect Danny, decides he's too heart-broken to play the role. All of the casting decisions were pretty on point with Marley and Ryder getting the lead roles. Unique is cast as Rizzo, but we all know that something will go down next episode since she'll be performing in drag. And what about Tina? Last season it was pretty obvious that she was going to become the lead member of the group, and that she would finally have her time in the spotlight. And what's happening? She's getting shoved to the back and forgotten. It's utterly stupid. Will deals with leaving Emma behind and turning over the reigns of the Glee Club to Finn. What?! Finn is now the head of the Glee Club? He was possibly the worst member of the group, and now he is suddenly in charge and will be leading the team to Sectionals. I'm glad Sue put up a fight because this is preposterous. In the fight scene with Sue, Finn goes one step too far and refers to her baby as retarded. When this happened, both my roommate and I gasped and went still. It was a pretty powerful moment. However, the moment was awash in all the stupidity and corniness that went on in the rest of the episode. Never have I seen an episode of Glee that has been so cliché and utterly stupid. I can tell you the major problem with this episode: NO NEW YORK. I've been saying it since day one of the season: if they want this show to survive they need to do a spin-off with just Rachel and Kurt in NYC. This show is crashing and burning before our very eyes I'm sad to say.

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