Saturday, November 24, 2012

The X Factor USA 2012: Top 13

Last week was the first live shows of the second season of The X Factor, and after some tough decisions we had to say goodbye to four contestants. The talent is now down to the Top 12 with three acts in each category. Wait what? To start off the show they're bringing a contestant back! Who could it be? It's none other than Diamond White who everyone criticized Britney for eliminating last week. Britney is now the only judge with four acts in the competition. Let's see who can rise to the top and who will flop as the contestants take on the greatest songs from the movies!

Arin Ray
I've never really cared for Arin, and I don't think he's strong enough on his own to be a pop star. The song choice was horrible this week, and it just didn't fit him. Also, I didn't care for his vocals, and the performance was just alright. I think Britney is doing the best she can with him, but I really don't see much hope for him.

Paige Thomas
Paige is one of my favorite contestants this year as she reminds of Rihanna but with a stronger and more versatile voice. The performance this week was amazing! Demi did a good job with the performance aspect of it. This is the reason I love this show because this performance was something you would see on someone's tour. Descending from the ceiling, Paige delivered a beautiful vocal performance.

Vino Alan
Vino Alan is the adult contemporary singer that I despise, and I still can't stand him. I just don't care for his style. Surprisingly, I actually thought he delivered a good vocal performance. It worked.

Emblem 3
The most atrocious performance in reality competition show history? I think so. Emblem 3 have the tools to be a somewhat successful boy band, but this set them back big time. Not only was it a mash-up of two songs, but it was sung over a One Direction instrumental. The song choice was atrocious, and the vocals were horrible. Boys, you've got to step it up!

Beatrice Miller
I still stand by my belief that Beatrice should never have made it to the live shows. I don't think she's vocally ready yet, and this performance showed that. The song choice was perfect, but she can't quite pull it off. She's going to need a lot of work if she's going to stay much longer.

Jennel Garcia
Jennel showed promise in the early rounds of the competition, but she's flat-lined since then. I think what the problem is is that Demi doesn't know how to mentor her acts. The song choice was not right for her, and you could tell Jennel was uncomfortable. She's definitely the weakest of Demi's category.

Tate Stevens
I'm not sure how Tate will fair in this competition as a country singer, but we shall see. Wow! I was prepared for Tate to be forgettable, but he really blew me away. He's extremely talented, and this was the perfect song choice. I'm surprised at how much I like him. L.A. may have a finale contender on his hands.

Lyric 145
Oh my god, I loved it!! When I heard they were singing Mary Poppins I cringed, but this performance blew me away! Who knew you could take a childhood tune and turn it into this masterpiece of hip-hop and rap? Everything from the lyrics to the outfits to the overall production was perfect. These guys could be huge contenders in the game if they keep delivering performances like this one.

Diamond White
The eliminated contestant is back to show why she deserves to be in this competition. Taking on a Whitney track? Uh oh! Actually, Diamond did the song justice. There were a few times her voice had to strain to hit the notes, but I think that can be overlooked when a girl her age is taking on such a momentous song. Congrats, Diamond!

CeCe Frey
Demi, what did you do to CeCe?! This could not have been a more atrocious performance. CeCe should not be singing 'Eye of the Tiger'. She has one of the best voices in the competition, but this song hampered her vocal ability, and the performance was horrid to watch. I don't even recognize this girl anymore.

Carly Rose Sonenclar
Best. Performance. Of. The. Night. I'm guessing Carly Rose will be the highlight each week. Her performance was absolutely effortless and flawless. I hate Bruno Mars, but she made me love the song, and she even gave it her own twist. This girl has a bright future ahead of her.

Jason Brock
How many times are we gonna have to sit through contestants singing 'I Believe I Can Fly'? Give it a rest already! I love Jason, mainly because he's the joke act, but he's always fun to watch. I felt like this performance stripped Jason of everything I loved about him, and thus he was dull. I doubt people are going to vote for him. When asked by Khloe Kardashian what he should be singing, Britney remarked...

Fifth Harmony
After undergoing their second name change, Fifth Harmony closed the show. I didn't like these girls when they were first put together, but their performance was one of the best of the night! They actually blew me away, and proved they're a force to be reckoned with in this competition. All of their voices are very strong, and together they sound flawless.

Based on the performances, I would put Emblem 3 and either Jason Brock or CeCe Frey in the Bottom Two. As it turned out, Jason and CeCe were the lowest vote getters. After a really great vocal performance from CeCe, Britney and L.A. elected to send home CeCe bringing the decision to Deadlock in which Jason was sent packing. It's clear Britney dislikes CeCe and I don't blame her. She has a horrible attitude, and I doubt she's connecting with viewers. Another week done, and Britney's judging like a pro. Her acts are some of the best in the competition. In a reality competition show first, the rankings of each contestant were revealed. Unsurprisingly, Brit Brit had two acts (Carly Rose and Diamond) in the Top 4, with Tate Stevens surprisingly taking the #1 spot. Didn't see that one coming.

1. Tate Stevens
2. Carly Rose
3. Vino Alan
4. Diamond White
5. Fifth Harmony
6. Emblem3
7. Jennel Garcia
8. Paige Thomas
9. Lyric 145
10. Beatrice Miller
11. Arin Ray

Another week, another act gone. Thankfully, Britney is doing an amazing job and you can tell she loves it. Thanks for reading!

I just couldn't resist posting this. Watch as Britney gets distracted by a balloon after One Direction's performance. Too cute. And yes, all my X Factor recaps will be gif-tacular!

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