Sunday, February 10, 2013

'Lip Synch Extravaganza Eleganza' by RuPaul's Drag Race

Season V of RuPaul's Drag Race is back for its second episode. This week has two brand new challenges that gave the show a nice face lift and added even more crazy fun to the already excellent show. It's nice to see the show constantly growing and not becoming stagnate like it easily could. Season V is off to new heights, and I can't wait to see what else Ru has in store for us (a double elimination perhaps?).
We start the episode off with the golden trio who have officially declared themselves a group, à la The Heathers from Season 3. "Ro-laska-tox: it's the new prescription drug for people who are gagging." My three utmost favorites Roxxxy, Alaska and Detox are the team to beat and they're not gonna let anyone forget it. After reading penny Tration's goodbye message, Ru comes in and gives the girls their mini-challenge. The girls have to lip sync to one of Ru's songs, but only their lips will be viewable so they've really got to bring it. One winner from each round becomes a team leader for the main challenge. Unsurprisingly, Detox wins in her group, and Serena and Ivy Winters also were team captains.
After Ru took a shot at twerking, he gave the girls their challenge: to recreate classic scenes from Untucked, but the twist is that the queens have to lip sync to the scenes. Team Detox gets Season 4, Team Serena gets Season 3 and Team Ivy gets Season 2. We all know there have been some crazy moments on Untucked, and thankfully we get to see all those moments recreated by the new batch of queens. As the girls are preparing it's clear that Detox and Alaska are going to be hilarious as Phi Phi and Sharon. Phi Phi is one of my all-time favorites, but Alaska was spot on in portraying her. It was hilarious! Serena ChaCha was a terrible leader and just hindered her team. And plus she took on Raja, and totally did not do her justice.

Lineysha Sparkx
In the lip sync challenge, Lineysha took on Season 2 winner Tyra Sanchez and knocked it out of the park. She had all the mannerisms down to a T, and she even looked exactly like Tyra (fake lips and all). The rehearsal footage was a little annoying, but in the final product she brought it and lip synced the house down. Her runway look was just okay, but I don't think it really did her any favors.

Honey Mahogany
My favorite quote ever from Untucked herstory was Mystique's from Season 2, "Bitch, I am from Chicago!" Honey portrayed Mystique in the lip sync and was absolutely hilarious. She got the ghetto attitude down and did Mystique justice. Her runway look this week was beautiful, but I feel like it was too similar to last week's. I need Honey to bring something new, otherwise she needs to sashay away.

Ivy Winters
Ivy as team captain did a great job, but she gave herself Morgan McMichaels which was just a lackluster role for her. Other than arguing with Mystique there wasn't much for her to do so she faded into the background. I loved her runway because she brought out the stilts and showed off one of her many talents. Like Honey, I think Ivy needs to step it up if she wants to stick around.

Vivienne Pinay
Vivienne played Tatianna in the lip sync challenge and she had it spot on. Tatianna has always been one of my favorites, and she completely had all the mannerisms down which made it perfect, especially the hair adjusting. I loved her runway outfit and she looked gorgeous. It was very Greek goddess.

Alyssa Edwards
Alyssa made me really like her this week with her impersonation of Shangela. Yes, you could say she may have had an unfair advantage since she's Shangela's drag mother, but she was by far one of the best. Her and Jinkx had a great relationship and played off of each other great. Her outfit wasn't the best. It was very hookerish and didn't do herself any favors.

Serena ChaCha
Serena, it's time for you to go. She was team captain and led her team down. She played Raja and did a horrible job. It made no sense, and it did not resemble Raja at all. And then her runway outfit? It could have been great, but what is going on with the skirt?! It didn't even cover her butt which just made the outfit look unprofessional.

Jade Jolie
In this week's challenge Jade portrayed Delta Work, and did a hilarious job with it. Yes, she went for the obvious fat joke as she played with chicken as she talked, but it was very well done. She probably had the best runway look this week. It was total Britney Spears ringleader-realness, and she looked stunning. I'm telling you: Jade is a force to be reckoned with in this competition.

Roxxxy Andrews
Roxxxy kind of fell by the wayward this week. She portrayed Mariah this week, and because Mariah wasn't a very interesting character Roxxxy suffered a bit. However, she got the look right and resembled Mariah perfectly. Her outfit this week I initally loved, but the more I see it the more i hate it. There's just something not right about it.

Jinkx Monsoon
It's definitely Monsoon season here on Season V. I fall in love with Jinkx more and more each week, and with her impersonation of Mimi Imfurst she captured my heart. With this lip sync they kind of merged her fight with Shangela and her picking up India Ferrah to create the perfect Mimi caricature. Jinkx is clearly an actor, and brought Mimi to life. Behind Lineysha's Tyra, Jinkx had the best impersoantion. her runway look was just okay. I din't particularly like it, but I didn't ahte it wither.

Monica Beverly Hillz
Monica this week impersonated Jiggly Caliente, and it wasn't very good. She didn't know all the words, and her personality was gone. Unfortunately that was because she was dealing with her own personal demons, which she came clean about on the runway. Monica revealed (unshockingly) that she is a transgendered woman, and she was afraid to tell everyone because she didn't want it to change anything. The girls were all incredibly supportive, and it was an emotional moment. However, her outfit was one of the weaker ones of the night.

Alaska did a wonderful job playing Phi Phi. She's freinds with Phi Phi so did more of a caricature but it wasn't insulting. I did notice that she didn't have a complete grasp on the words, but she did well. I loved her main stage look this week. This is one of the few times that I've seen her really dolled up and looking classy. It suits her well and I wish she would do it more often.

Coco Montrese
Coco wasn't even on my radar when the show started, but I have fallen head over heels in love with her. She's one of the older queens so she has the wisdom and experience, and I love that she doesn't crap from anyone. For the main challenge she impersonated Lashauwn Beyond from Season 4, and she was by far in the top three best. She really got into character, and it was almost indistinguishable from the real moment. If only Monica had held up her end Team Detox could have easily won. Coco's runway look is sexy dominatrix, and she served it well. Very Rihanna-esque and I am living for it.

And finally it's the queen, Detox. Detox's impersonation of Sharon Needles was hilarious, and I loved the exaggerated lip size. It was clear that she had a direction for her team, and she led them well. Her runway look this week was nice, but it didn't have the oomph it should have had. It was sickening, but I know she has better things in her wardrobe.
Unsurprisingly, Lineysha Sparx won the main challenge. I can't argue with that as her impersonation of Tyra went above and beyond. Quite rightly the Bottom Two was Serena and Monica. I'm glad Ru didn't let Monica off the hook because of her confession. The lip synced to Rihanna's classic 'Only Girl In the World' and Monica killed it. She looked like a mini-Rihanna up on stage. Serena did another split like she did last week, and her performance fell flat. Serena was finally told to sashay away. Although Monica scraped by another week, I doubt she'll make it past next week. She's been very subpar, and I don't think she's as talented as the others.
Untucked was an emotional episode, in two very different ways. Of course the episode began with Monica's confession, and Ru's surprise was a video message from Monica's mother. It was so sweet and beautiful, and had every queen in the room crying. The video messages are always one of the higlights of the show. The other major portion of the episode was all the girls ganging up on Serena. It was very clear that no one wanted her there, and Serena even went so far as to insult everyone else by saying they were speaking ghetto, a comment which pissed off Monica and Coco. They ripped her to shreds, and then Detox got in on it and vented her frustration. These queens are not happy campers, and won't be until Serena leaves. Thankfully they got their wish, and I'm excited to see what the dynamic next week will be like. Coco and Alyssa will be ironing out their feeling next week so I'm sure we won't want to miss what will go down.
What you got to see in Untucked was each team lip syncing to a track that DJ ShyBoy created using quotes from the queens from each season. All the tracks are on iTunes and I am in love with them. If you want to have all your favorite quotes from each season in one place set to sick beat you should check them out. A full performance from Team Serena was released for your viewing pleasure.

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