Wednesday, April 9, 2014

RuPaul's Drag Race Season 6: Glamazon by Colorevolution

After last week's very sad elimination of my favorite this season, Milk, I knew the show just wouldn't be the same. In a very surprising move, Logo decided to air back-to-back episodes of Drag Race this week, giving us three full hours of cattiness and drama mama. It was a whirlwind, so let's get to it. This week for the mini-challenge, the girls had to hand model vegetables. This was obviously created so that Ru could make some very filthy puns. The girls put on their best acrylic nails and tried to sell. I didn't really think they were all that great, but Ru gave it to Laganja.

For the main challenge, the girls are tasked with creating an ad to sell Ru's new Glamazon perfume and make-up line. The ultimate shade of it all comes when Ru pairs up the girls: Laganja and Adore, Trinity and Bianca, DeLa and Darienne, and Courtney and Joslyn. This was made to bring the drama. Each pair is also given a theme so Laganja and Adore and mean girls, Trinity and Bianca are werking gals, DeLa and Darienne get cougars, and Courtney and Joslyn are the housewives.
Things turn sour very quickly as the pairs begin working together. Laganja just doesn't possess the skills to be funny so Adore is carrying the team. Trinity goes in once again with her defeated attitude, and Bianca is trying to do everything she can to amp her up. Darienne is being a major bitch to DeLa even though DeLa is being nothing but nice and trying to work with her. Joslyn and Courtney seem to have good chemistry until Courtney starts being very bitchy towards Joslyn. I'd kind of noticed it before, but from this moment onwards I've seen that Courtney has this "better than everyone" vibe about her, and her comments are coming off very nasty. It's not a good look, gurl. Okurrrr!

Laganja Estranja
In the main challenge, Laganja floundered. Her jokes weren't landing, and she just wasn't grasping the concept of what Ru wanted. In the finished product she looked good and came across well, but I think Adore had more to do with that than anything. On the runway Laganja's 'Black and White" look was a mess. Her outfit was ok, but her make-up was horrendous. I don't know why she thought that looked good.

Adore Delano
Adore is getting better and better each week. Remember when I said they were making her out to be the underdog? Well she's slaying now. She was the star in her Glamazon ad and had me laughing. Her look on the runway was gorgeous. Finally we got something other than her slightly too short mermaid dresses. The hair was on point and she sold it.

Bianca Del Rio
We could have crowned Bianca the winner of this season weeks ago. What can't this bitch do? Not only did she put all the work into her ad and made sure she was flawless, but she got Trinity to finally buck up and unleash her inner star. That's more work than any of the other girls had to do. Bianca's look was my favorite of the night as she came out in a Manila Luzon-esque wig and a heavenly ball gown that floated across the runway.

Trinity K. Bonet
What a transformation for Trinity. Last week I was ready to get rid of her and now I'm a fan. Thanks to Bianca, Trinity stepped up her game and showed why Ru chose to pick her for the show. Her ad for Glamazon was on point. She's actually quite funny when she lets go. On the runway she stunned in an elegant dice dress.

DeLa and Darienne didn't do the best job with their ads. It was funny, but they were selling plastic surgery not make-up. DeLa kind of got overshadowed by Darienne. Her look on the runway was fun as she was serving some Whoville realness, but it wasn't anything outstanding.

Darienne Lake
Darienne is grating on my nerves at the moment with her supremely bitchy and unwarranted attitude towards DeLa. However, she was hilarious in her Glamazon ad. Her runway was actually gorgeous as well. I think this is the best look she has had yet.

Courtney Act
I thought Courtney and Joslyn were quite funny in their ad even though they weren't completely prepared when they went in to film it in front of Ru and Michelle. On the runway she absolutely creamed the competition in this waitress couture outfit. Everything about it was perfect. She just needs to work on her attitude.

Joslyn Fox
Joslyn is surprising me week by week, and I'm really falling in love with her. She's genuinely funny and a nice person. Like I said, I enjoyed her in her Glamazon ad. Her runway this week, even though she served some ass which we all love, it was very been there done that. We've seen it before so she needs to switch it up.
Based on the screen tests, Adore and Laganja were the clear winners. Laganja lucked out this week. In the end, Darienne and DeLa fell into the bottom. Even though her attitude is busted, I think Darienne is supremely talented and so this Bottom Two I felt was unjust. Both queens lip synced for their lives and left everything on that stage. Since it was a Rupersized premiere I had a feeling there was going to be a double save this week and I was right. Ru rightfully saved both girls.

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