Wednesday, October 8, 2014

'Only Human' by Cheryl Cole

Chezza started turning things around with the extremely catchy 'I Don't Care' after the disappointment that was 'Crazy Stupid Love'. And now she's showing us that she's only human with the title track off her highly-anticipated upcoming album.

Cheryl slows things down a bit with her new ballad, the title track off the new record. 'Only Human' sees a vocoded Cheryl singing an understated verse before the production comes in pounding and launches her into a massive chorus. At last a song that doesn't sound like a demo!

Cheryl has an other-worldly feel on this new one, and it's a welcome change. The production is on point, and when it reaches the end you might even feel a chill or two. Cheryl is starting to deliver where she usually fails. Please, give us more of this Ms. Tweedy.

Cheryl's new album Only Human will be released on November 10th.

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