Sunday, May 29, 2011

'The Girl Who Played With Fire' by Stieg Larsson

I must say, I have not been this excited about a book series in a looong time.  The last time I was this excited was probably at the end of my junior year when I began reading the True Blood series.  Stieg Larsson has created an amazing story and amazing characters that have spell-bound me.  The is the second novel in the Millennium Trilogy, and it is even better than 'Dragon Tattoo'.

"Fans of intelligent page-turners will be more than satisfied by Larsson's second thriller, even though it falls short of the high standard set by its predecessor, The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo, which introduced crusading journalist Mikael Blomkvist and punk hacker savant Lisbeth Salander. A few weeks before Dag Svensson, a freelance journalist, plans to publish a story that exposes important people involved in Sweden's sex trafficking business based on research conducted by his girlfriend, Mia Johansson, a criminologist and gender studies scholar, the couple are shot to death in their Stockholm apartment. Salander, who has a history of violent tendencies, becomes the prime suspect after the police find her fingerprints on the murder weapon. While Blomkvist strives to clear Salander of the crime, some far-fetched twists help ensure her survival. Powerful prose and intriguing lead characters will carry most readers along." ~ Publisher's Weekly

The characters are given more depth than ever before,and the writing is simply exquisite.  I found myself reading this book on average three hours a day because it is simply that good.  This is a page-turner even more-so than the first.  I think what I like most about it is the fact that it is all about journalism, and the thrill ride it can take you on.  I have always wanted to be a journalist (maybe not in this sense, but more entertainment wise) and this novel brought out that flame of desire in my heart.

There are some huge revelations made throughout the course of the novel and some very unexpected plot-twists that will leave you stunned.  I'm really excited to see what's going to happen in the conclusion.  It's very sad that Larsson has passed away at an early age because I would have loved to read more of his stuff.  This should be on your summer reading list this year.  I urge you to check it out.

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