Saturday, May 19, 2012

'Prom-asaurus' by Glee

The McKinley High students attended their prom this year, but compared to last year's prom extravaganza, this year's was a bust. I loved the whole idea of the Dinosaur theme because it was so kooky, but in the end it was a hodgepodge mess. We got another Becky monologue which are always hilarious, but we also got to know Becky a little bit better. And remember how Quinn said she was going to walk? Well here it is, and it made me more mad than I have been with this show in a long time. Let's see how it all played out, shall we?

Rachel is still grieving with her shocking audition catastrophe last week, and to kick off the episode we get to see Rachel, Blaine and Kurt take on Fergie's beautiful 'Big Girls Don't Cry'. Don't rely on just this episode to do the song justice - go listen to the full song, I beg of you! In the context of the show it had to be shortened, and in doing so a lot of the best vocal moments (particularly from Blaine) were cut out, and it basically just focused on Rachel. I also didn't care for Kurt's voice on this one, but it was still very good.

This is one of Ke$ha's lesser known songs, but I love it in the context of the show. To kick off the 2012 prom, Brittany accompanied by Santana and the Cheerios do a really fun performance decked out in pre-historic garb. It's obviously no stunning moment, but it was fun nevertheless.

The female Glee Club members in attendance at the prom took on Selena Gomez's most popular song. This happens to be the only song of hers that I like, but I think the girls did a better job singing it than Selena. The performance was so good, and I love when Glee can make their cover better than the original!

How can anyone not care for some One Direction love! It's no secret the British boy band is one of the biggest things in music right now, and it was only a matter of time before Glee took them on. It was so much fun seeing the male Glee clubbers as a boy band, and their dance moves were actually quite good! Sam was positively the best, and this song had to be the highlight of a rather bland episode.

After Quinn forfeits her win as Prom Queen and rigs the votes to make Rachel win, Prom Queen Rachel and Prom King Finn dance to Santana and Quinn singing 'Take My Breath Away'. The song actually gave me chills, and it was beautifully done. However, the idiocy of Rachel winning Prom Queen and being overjoyed left me disgruntled.

The music was positively the best part of the episode, but it was the non-music portions that were utterly atrocious. First of all, the campaign to become Class President took up multiple episodes at the end of last season, and basically the only mention of that storyline appeared just now as Principle Figgins told Brittany he was going to abolish the post unless she actually did something. Secondly, the whole idea of doing an anti-prom was ridiculous. This is one of the kids' last events together, and they decide to split up and not share the moment together. Really? And then Rachel being crowned Prom Queen and being ecstatic make me scoff. Rachel, the girl who is anti-popularity and sees the whole prom as a farce wins and she is happier than ever?! This episode basically changed her into a completely different person and pushed her on the Quinn-train which is the worst kind of person you could ever be. And finally, I could not detest Quinn anymore. She finally regains the ability to walk (it hasn't even been a whole semester yet!!!) just in time for prom, but decides to pretend she can't until she becomes crowned Prom Queen and she would just walk out of the wheel chair and dance. How can you even like someone like that?! She was detestable, and the moment she stood up I wanted to throw something at her, not cheer like everyone else did. Should there not be any consequences for this girl who is one of the shallowest characters ever? I just don't get it. It's a shame this episode had to be so bad plot wise because there was actually some great music. Glee, why do you have to be so bipolar? I really want to love you.

1 comment:

  1. Matt! Once again, you describe all of my feelings about a show so perfectly.
    Love all the reviews lately (:
