Tuesday, July 24, 2012

'Morning Sun' by Miley Cyrus

I don't care what anyone says: the world needs more Miley Cyrus. I think I've said this many, many times before but Miley is one of the most talented artists out there, and she has the ability to conquer the world of music and rise up the ranks to reside next to people like Britney Spears. She has the natural charisma, uniqueness, nerve and talent (to quote RuPaul) to be a huge phenomenon, but it seems like something is stopping her but I can't quite put my finger on it. Regardless, it is always great to get new music from Miley. Rock Mafia, a group who is a powerful producing team and has been behind a lot of Miley's music, recently released their first on EP and of course there was a special guest on one of the songs. 'Morning Sun' features Miley, and is sheer pop perfection. I can't believe Miley didn't keep this song for herself because she could have had a huge hit on her hands with this one. It's got a great beat, Miley does some stuff with her vocals that I've never heard from her before, and it's one of those songs that just keeps building until it blows you away. Once you finish it you just want to listen to it over and over and over again. Come back to music, Miley! We need you.

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