Saturday, September 22, 2012

'Britney 2.0' by Glee

'Britney 2.0' marks the one and only time that Glee has done a second tribute episode for an artist in the history of the show. The episode has me very conflicted. On the one hand I felt like it was a terrible episode in terms of the plot and the way the songs were incorporated into show, but I loved all the little nods to Britney's life. The episode basically paralleled Brittany's downfall in McKinley with Britney's mental breakdown a few years back. A lot of fans are upset that they portrayed Britney's life in a comical way, but I took it as showing how Britney survived one of the worst things that can happen to someone and built herself up and rose back to the top. The show focused more on McKinley than on New York which I think is a huge problem going forward. We'll dwell more on that later, but for now let's get to the music.

The episode opens up almost instantly with the Cheerios performing 'Hold It Against Me', a very bad choice on their part. The problem with the song was that they got rid of almost all the bass and the dubstep elements of the song which is basically what makes it as epic as it is. Brittany's voice was okay and the dancing was a lot of fun, but the song fell flat.

After Will introduces the group to the theme of the week, Artie and Blaine instantly get up and perform a mash-up which was one for the best numbers of the episode. As much as I hate the Biebs, the two songs went really well together. And Blaine's voice was pretty much perfect singing one of Britney's more urban songs.

This had to be the worst performance of the night for two reasons. One, the performance was overly cheesy and was just absolutely ridiculous. It was almost High School Musical bad. And two, nobody can sing this song but Britney. It just can't be done. I think that's one of the biggest problems with Britney's songs because she has such a unique voice that if unless the song is completely rearranged, it just can't work. It's a great song, but not right for a Glee Club.

Now this was an awkward performance. You have Sam, Tina and the Christian boy Joe singing about having a threesome. Say what? But I loved how they did an acoustic version and took a very different spin on the song. It worked, but not with these three singing it.

This was another highlight of the show. Apart from the absurd fact that Marley and Jake are already a couple (at least for the moment), the mash-up was brilliantly executed. I love how they intertwined the songs, and giving Britney some guitar realness was cool to listen to.

The biggest highlight of the show definitely came in NYC. Cassandra July tells Rachel that she's not sexy enough to do the tango, so in order to prove her wrong Rachel teams up with Brody and some other dancers to sing Britney's classic 'Oops!...I Did It Again'. Again, the song is completely rearranged and in an odd way it may actually sound just as good or better than the original. The performance was the best of the episode. 

Now for the song with the most controversy. Brittany decides that the Glee Club should lip-sync for the big school assembly because they're not prepared. So they go on stage and repeat the debacle that happened at the MTV VMAs when Britney performed the song for the first time. Except, they threw in a lot of cool nods to Britney with the Cheetos and Fanta. As crass as it was, I was dying of laughter. This performance is definitely one that fans would rather forget, but at the same time it is iconic although for all the wrong reasons.

And the final number of the night is one of the most beautiful songs ever written (in my opinion). One of Britney's few ballads, 'Everytime' is sung by Marley who is honestly the only one (other than Rachel) that I would have trusted to sing it. Thankfully she sings it outstandingly well and it makes for a beautiful way to end the episode. This again is one of those songs that require Britney's signature baby voice and wispy vocals to pull off, but Marley does it well.

The episode focused on Brittany S. Pearce who has gotten shunned plot wise basically the entire series, but we finally get to see some emotion from her. The episode contains a lot of hilarious one-liners from Brittany that made the show entertaining. She loses her position as head of the Cheerios and Santana has no time to talk to her so she enters a downward spiral. The reason I liked the episode was because of all the nods to Britney's life and personality that only her fans would pick up on. Like during the 'Gimme More' performance she ate Cheetos and Fanta which are two of Britney's favorite things in life, and in the choir room Brittany was drinking an absurdly large cup of coffee and we all know that Britney is rarely seen without a Starbucks in her hand. When Brittany finally has her breakdown she tries to shave her head, then attacks the "paparazzi" with a green umbrella, and JB shouts out the infamous line 'Leave Brittany alone!" It was really clever how it was all done and I enjoyed it immensely. Now on to a bigger criticism of the show: we need to spend more time in NYC. Honestly, all the Lima scenes were blah and were basically three-quarters of the episode. While when in NYC with Hummelberry I was dying for more and it was sheer perfection. We need to focus more on Hummelberry because that's where all the fun lies. Next week we get to see 'Makeover' which will focus more on Kurt (thank God!) interning at Vogue and we will be introduced to Sarah Jessica Parker!

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