Monday, September 2, 2013

America's Got Talent 2013: Semi-Finals, Pt. 1

We are back with another season of America's Got Talent, the biggest talent show search in America. With this year comes the addition of Mel B of the Spice Girls and model Heidi Klum to the judging panel, alongside returning judges Howard Stern and Howie Mandel. I love the new judges and think they have great camaraderie. This is how you make a working panel, American Idol! Unfortunately, I don't think the competition has been as strong this year. Each week, roughly only four or five acts have really stood out as worthy to advance, and with only four positions open each week it wasn't too difficult to narrow down the competition. Honestly, there are only three or four acts that I really enjoy. There really isn't a standout act for me this year, except for maybe Taylor Williamson. Now that we're finally into the Semi-Finals, the shows are packed with much stronger acts, and it should make for a better all-around show. Alright, let's kick off this year's edition of America's Got Talent TV Rewind!

Tone the Chiefrocca
This has to be the most annoying act to ever step on the AGT stage. They want to be a one-hit wonder, and so they only sing "B-O-O-T-Y" over and over again. I didn't like it the first time so hearing it for a third time was just ridiculous. At first I thought they were going to make me enjoy it with the gospel choir, but they quickly let that go and went back to the regular version of the song again. And from then on it was a train wreck. It was actually their worst performance of the song.

Red Panda
Red Panda was one of my favorite acts this year, and I was so upset when I saw that she wouldn't be performing last week. But thankfully Howie used his Wild Card pick and brought her back. Her performance this week once again gave me chills, even though she did drop one of the bowls. I can't even imagine how difficult her act is, but I just wanted her to succeed. What she does is unique, and I wish she had a longer time frame because I feel like she could show us that she can do so much more.

Angela Hoover
Angela is freaking hilarious, no matter what Howard says. She slays me every time with her impressions and her material. And Howie even called her the best impressionist living today. That is a HUGE compliment. I think this was her best performance so far, absolutely nailing each voice she did. What I love about her is that when she is doing a voice she really embodies that person and becomes them through her mannerisms and facial expressions. It's an incredible feat.

Duo Resonance
These guys are a beautiful strength act, and I love waiting to see what they do next. Their love transcends the stage and the TV screen - it's so pure. This week I liked what they did, but it wasn't attention grabbing. I don't think dancing inside the box hurt them, but I did feel like it was too sluggish therefore not allowing them to do a lot of tricks and wow us.

Collins Key
I have absolutely NO idea how Collins does these tricks. He blows my mind each week, and this week was no different. Yes, I will agree that the trick was too elaborate for the time frame he was given, but for what he had to work with I thought he did an incredible job. How he got all those different variables to line up I could never begin to explain. I could totally see him being the first magician to win AGT.

Innovative Force
These girls are a gymnastics group, and I really haven't been a fan of them, Yes, what they do is extremely dangerous and they are very young, but I don't get excited by it. Their performance this week was actually kind of a mess just as Mel pointed out. The girls were all over the place, missing cues, bumping into each other, and they weren't in sync with the music. I don't want them to go on, but they are exactly the type of act that America loves to send through.

Dave Fenly
I am not a fan of Dave's at all. I just don't care for him, and I feel like he's a "been there, done that" kind of act. I will say that this week's performance was a little more interesting. He took a Spice Girls song, made it his own, and threw in some beatboxing in what made for a pretty good rendition. I wasn't over the moon for it, but it was decent.

Anyone else think he looks like George R.R. Martin? No, just me then?

Taylor Williamson
Taylor is my favorite act this year, and it would be amazing to see him win. From his always on point material to his awkward demeanor and his lightning quick comebacks, he always has me on the floor laughing. This week he took a risk by doing "kid friendly" material and I thought he blew it until about half way through which is where he really ramped it up. And then that last joke? He SLAYED it. That last joke sealed his win for me.

Jonathan Allen
Jonathan is a sweet kid and he's got a great voice, but he was always going to be one of those middle-of-the-pack contestants. He was a shoe-in to make it to the Semi-Finals, but now that he's here he doesn't hold a candle to the rest of the acts. The song this week was very blah, and I honestly don't even remember it. Good luck to him in the future, but this is definitely the end of the road.

This dance group tells beautiful stories with their bodies, and last week's performance actually brought me to tears. But this week they took their first stumble by trying to create a complex story that ultimately became very muddled. It was really cool the underwater theme they went with, but when props and rigging went awry, the whole thing fell to pieces and it just wasn't good. Hopefully in two weeks time they can step up their game.

Cami Bradley
Cami I could care less about. She's a coffee shop/lounge singer at best, and she would never make it on American Idol. We have seen her type of schtick over and over again, and I'm tired of it. She's got a nice voice, but I don't see what all the fuss is about. Her performance this week was ok. There was nothing to rave about and it definitely wasn't anything special.

These opera singing men are really fantastic. I love when this show has opera singers on it because it gives them a platform they don't have anywhere else. When these three guys sing together, their voices meld and create something special. They blow me away each week, and I think this was their best performance ever. It was powerful. They will definitely make it to the finals.

Overall it was a really good show this week. There are a bunch of amazing acts and it's going to be hard to pick just six to advance. Fortunately (or unfortunately however you look at it), America makes the decision. The acts advancing into the finals are Innovative Force, Forte, Collins Key, Taylor Williamson, Cami Bradley and Catapult. I'm really upset that Angela didn't make it through. She deserved to be in the finals. I would have preferred Red Panda to go through instead of Innovative Force, but what did you expect to happen?

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