Thursday, October 24, 2013

'PRISM' by Katy Perry Album Review

Katy Perry has been one of the biggest hit makers in pop music in recent history, churning out single after single each of which went #1. She has tied Michael Jackson for the most consecutive #1s from a single album, and it's no secret that she's out to break that record with her third studio album PRISM. Following the success of Teenage Dream was going to be no easy feat, and I know Katy makes great pop music so I thought she could do it. She promised a "darker" album which had me excited, but then she scrapped that and decided to release a collection of songs that look on the brighter side of life. After having listened to the album six times now, I can say that was a huge mistake. It's actually on the break-up songs where she really shines because there's raw emotion and real significance to the lyrics as opposed to nine tenths of the album which is just ear candy. Most of the songs are generic which isn't a bad thing because Katy has shown that she can make basic Dr. Luke tracks into massive hits, but here she fails. It's the definition of pop music that people hate, and she isn't going to win anybody over with this offering. While there are a handful of gems on this album, PRISM is mainly a disjointed album that can't make up its mind what it wants to be and borders on being an insult to pop music.

1. Roar - 4/10

'Roar' is the definition of basic. First, I never cared for the song when it originally was released and I didn't think it was anything special. It sounds like Sara Bareilles's 'Brave' and it's generic. When compared with the rest of the album, it's obviously Katy only wanted a #1. 'Roar' sounds nothing like the rest of the album. It doesn't even make sense to be on here. I literally start at track 2 when I listen to the album.

2. Legendary Lovers - 9/10

In my opinion, this is where the album begins. 'Legendary Lovers' is one of the best tracks on the album. It's got this great tribal feel to it, and I absolutely love the lyrics. It's a really diverse song with an Egyptian feel that's striking. She relies on a lot of historical references that make the song intriguing. The chorus is fantastic and I really hope she releases this as a single because I want to see a music video for it.

3. Birthday - 8/10

'Birthday' has been an instant favorite with fans since the album was released, and I feel the same. It's unashamèd brainless pop music with Katy's signature double entendre-laced lyrics. This is the first time the '90s influences pop up and begin defining the dominating sonic element of the record. I like that the song also reminds me of her hit 'Last Friday Night' linking this back to her huge hit album Teenage Dream. It's fun ear candy.

4. Walking On Air - 10/10

When this was first released as a promo single I freaked out, and I still listen to it on a multiple times a day basis. This song is by far the best track on the album, and if there were great songs like this on here PRISM could have been fantastic. The '90s house beat is delectable fun, Katy's vocals taking on an airy quality that creates a bouncy and light-hearted track - I can't get enough of it.
5. Unconditionally - 8/10

After all the big up tempos we finally get our first slow song. 'Unconditionally' is the second single off the album, and I understand that this song means a lot for Katy but it's generic. I think it's a solid pop mid-tempo, but we all know Katy doesn't shine on songs where she has to use her vocals. Also, the song is so generic that anyone out there could release this and it wouldn't matter or change anything. There's no doubt Katy will get a #1 with it, but I wish there was more originality.

6. Dark Horse (feat. Juicy J) - 8/10

This is the only collaboration on the album which makes it stick out, but it's still one of the better tracks. I absolutely love the trap beat and I can totally get down to this song. It does dirty things to my mind, but lets not get into that. While it's a less daring version of what other artists like Miley Cyrus are doing in the pop scene, I appreciate the experimentation and I'm not ashamed to say this is one of my favorites on the album.

7. This Is How We Do - 5/10

What. The. Hell. Is. This. To be frank, this song pisses me off. Katy is obviously trying to do some kind of faux hip-hop rapping on this song but in all aspects this song fails. It sounds stupid, and the lyrics are so childish it's not even funny. Obviously she isn't taking herself seriously here, but it's just bad. Katy's rapping is atrocious, and what makes me most mad is that it sounds like she didn't even put any effort into this. She could be drunk in the studio at 4am about to pass out and we wouldn't know the difference. I just hate this song with a passion.

8. International Smile - 8/10

This is the last certified smash on the album. It's totally cheesy, but this is where the cheese factor and Katy's playful pop style works. It's a song about a girl whose smile transcends language and will get the attention of any man. It's a fun track and unashamedly mindless pop. The "get ready for take off" bit is so campy that it just works.

9. Ghost - 7/10
Katy slows things down a bit as we move on to 'Ghost' and this is where the album begins breaking apart. This mid-tempo reminds me a bit of Katy's stuff on One of the Boys and Teenage Dream. It has elements of what made her such a great artist to begin with, but it never really comes to fruition. The seeds are there, but it doesn't bloom into the flower it could.
10. Love Me - 7/10

'Love Me' is a like a companion track to 'Ghost'; it's got the older stylings of Katy, but falls short. It's one of those tracks that is totally relatable, but it just doesn't arrive at that place to make it memorable. It's a good album track, but gets lost in the mess.

11. This Moment - 6/10

Does the beat sound familiar? Listen to Robyn's 'Dancing On My Own' and you might be shocked. It's literally the exact same beat. The album is beginning to hit its sappy stride, and only two songs into it and I'm already over it. The lyrics are blah, and the song is forgettable. I really like the chorus, but it feels disjointed from the rest of the song.

12. Double Rainbow - 6/10

When the first lyric is "You're a one of one" you know there's no hope. Katy's singing about this person that's a one of a kind who she wants to keep forever. Her and her man are a double rainbow. Okay... The analogy is stupid, and the song lets me down.

13. By the Grace of God - 9/10

Out of all the sappy more spiritual tracks, I actually quite enjoy this one. I think the lyrics are good and it actually moves me unlike most of the other songs. I feel like this is one of the hidden gems on the album. Katy's religious background comes in to play, and she delivers a powerful emotion-laden vocal. The chorus is super catchy, and I've found myself singing it out of nowhere quite often. If she had just this and scrapped the other four or five songs like this it would have been a much stronger album.
Bonus Tracks:

14. Spiritual - 5/10

This is where things get weird because for the last few songs Katy has been singing about more religious themes, and now she takes spirituality and equates it to having sex with John Mayer. It's quite gross and has a huge ick factor. I just don't understand the logic behind this song.

15. It Takes Two - 7/10

'It Takes Two' is Katy's big diss track to Russell Brand. She basically says that it takes two people to cause the destruction of relationship and she has taken her share of the blame but he needs to do it too. I really love the lyrics of this one, but I wish it had a little more angst to it. Otherwise I think it's an awesome track and should have made it on the standard edition of the album.

16. Choose Your Battles - 8/10

Ending the album is actually quite a strong song. I really enjoy this one with its drum-powered chorus and the more feisty side of Katy coming out. The songs about her break-up with Russell actually made for some of the best tracks, and I just don't understand why she didn't include more like this and put them on the album. These are so much better than trash like 'This Is How We Do'.

Tracks to Check Out: 'Legendary Lovers', 'Birthday', 'Walking On Air', 'By the Grace of God'

Overall Rating: 6/10

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