Wednesday, March 9, 2011

'Sexy' by Glee

I thought I'd start reviewing the Glee songs each week, so I present to you the first installment of the Glee Reviews.
Holly Holliday is back!!!  Gwyneth Paltrow does on excellent job on the show, and she brings fun to the show.  Such a raunchy way to open the show, and I loved it.  The theme for this episode is "Sex Education" and Holly takes it upon herself to educate the Glee kids through song.  Solid song on Gwyneth's part.
Blaine getting upstaged by Kurt - whoever saw that coming?  Duets between Kurt and Blaine are always magical, but I felt this Warblers song fell a little flat.  Not my favorite, but I always love the acapella stylings of the Warblers.
A country, celibacy club song.  Another interesting song choice this week?  I thought their outfits were kind of strange, but it provided some much needed comedic relief.  Emma's ignorance was not something I expected, but it was an interesting song choice.  Not my favorite.
This is one of the reasons why I love Glee.  They can take a Prince classic and update it.  While I don't particularly care for Prince, Glee is able to take what I don't like and make it sound like it could be on the radio today.  A sultry duet between Holly and Will.  Is there anything else that needs to be said?
Another Holly Holliday, but it's a country song.  Interesting choice, but I absolutely loved it.  The fact that they chose this song to explore Brittany and Santana's relationship is interesting.  Nothing spectacular, but I loved it in the context of the show.

Another semi-emotional episode of Glee, but it was heightened by Gwyneth's return.  Two big shockers in the episode, but I won't spoil them in case you haven't seen the episode yet.  They involve Santana, Finn and Quinn.  I am soooo excited for next week's episode because it's time for Regionals!!!!  This Gleek is out.

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