Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Things I Hate More Than Anything

I thought with this post I'd give you all a little insight into what goes on in mind and what I feel.  If you haven't noticed already, my brain works non-stop (which can be annoying sometimes).  I know that through this blog you guys have already learned a lot about me, but I thought this would be a lot more interesting than just through the music world.  I don't want to be a downer or anything, and I hope that NO ONE is offended by what I write - just use this as a way to see what goes on in my brain.  Here we go...

1.  The fact that I always have to be perfect.  I'm sure that many of you have experienced this before, but I think I really take this to the extreme.  I just have this innate quality that I have to do everything as well as it can possibly be done.  Whenever I do a project for school there is no BSing it - I work as long and as hard as I have to.  The major problem where this comes in is that I tend to not have a social life, and I am a really reserved person.  Doing everything the proper and correct way costs more time and even money, but I just have to do.  In the end I don't really mind it too much because this is probably what will get me into the college of my dreams and lead me to a successful life, but at the same time I am always reminded of all the things I have given up throughout my life.

2.  People who cannot spell and have incorrect grammar.  To some of you, you might think I'm crazy, but correct spelling and grammar is something everybody should have.  As a writer and an aspiring journalist/English teacher, whenever I proofread somebody's writing or listen to someone talk it just annoys that they can't do it correctly.  By the time you're a senior in high school you are in your 13th year of school learning the English language, why can't you use it correctly?  When you're just having fun and you pronounce words incorrectly for a joke, that's fine.  But when you're just ignorant it makes me mad. Luckily none of you who are reading this are like that!  Thank you :)

3.  Sam Lufti.  By now you've realized that I'm obsessed with Britney Spears, and I hope this doesn't make you think I'm totally crazy so just bare with me.  Remember when Britney had her huge mental breakdown and she shaved her head and was sent to a psychatric ward?  That was because of Sam Lufti.  He was her close friend for a while, and then he began drugging her.  This all led to serious problems in her life, and he treated her like a dog.  Britney's mom's book Through the Storm details everything that went on if you'd like to find out more.  It's actually a great read!  I love Britney, and what he did to her was dreadful.

4.  The government.  Yes, I'm happy to live in a free country where we are free from tyranny and dictators, but sometimes the decisions the government makes are just plain stupid.  I'm in AP Government so I have a pretty firm grasp on the way government operates, but we do not live in a country that is free and allows all the freedoms that the Constitution supposedly guarantees.  In Ohio this whole union bill is completely ludicrous.  The Republicans are pushing through a bill that isn't even clearly defined.  How is that going to make things better?  And what about gay marriage?  How can this be a free country when two people of the same sex can't even get married.  That to me makes absolutely no sense.  Love is love.  Get over it.

5.  Kanye West.  You have no idea how much I hate this man.  I try not to hate people, but Kanye has THE biggest ego in the world.  He believes everything he does is pure perfection, and anything that he doesn't like shouldn't be liked by anyone else.  That's why I love people like Britney and GaGa - they are so humble.  I had always found him annoying, but the infamous VMAs a couple years back was the tipping point for me.  I dislike Taylor Swift's music and I don't believe she should have won that award, but Kanye had no right to do what he did.  He just doesn't get the fact that he isn't as great as he thinks he is.  He's a jerk, and I can't stand anything that comes out of his mouth.

So there you have it.  I hope this let you get to know me a little better, and since this was such a negative post maybe I'll do a post about the 5 things I like the most.  What do you hate the most in this world?  Leave your comments below.  Have a great day!

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