Tuesday, March 15, 2011

'Original Song' by Glee

This episode was sooooo good!  By far it's one of my favorite episodes yet.  Blaine and Kurt finally got together and even shared their first kiss!  The Glee kids wrote their own songs (something I was avidly looking forward to since they announced it at the end of the first season).  While the original songs aren't going to be smash hits, they fit perfectly in the context on the show.  Sue was also shown her place, yet again.  The performance shows are always great, and now I can't wait until Nationals, especially since it takes place in New York!
Maroon 5's "Misery" started the show off with a bang.  I always enjoy the Warbler's acapella renditions of songs, and this one is no exception.  Blaine's voice is just amazing, and it added to an already great song.

One of my favorite Beatles' songs coupled with one of my favorite characters on the show.  Blackbird is one of those simple songs that is extraordinary because of its simplicity.  Kurt has such an interesting voice, and while the song was sung in a rather comical plot line, it was still really good. 

I personally think that this was the best of the original songs.  Mercedes can blow the roof off of the place, and when coupled with this sassy song she really had a place to shine.  I really can't believe they didn't sing this for Regionals, but I guess it's understandable since the other songs they chose were more in keeping with the theme of the show.  This was my favorite song of the episode though.
Not my favorite song ever, but it was a cute duet between Kurt and Blaine.  I love that they chose to sing this at Regionals though because it displayed a duet between two men which isn't normally seen; especially in a high school.  The song was definitely better in the context of the show than as a standalone feature.
Dissappointed.  P!nk's "Raise Your Glass" is one of those anthems for all the losers that just makes you feel warm inside. I'm sad to say that the Warblers just didn't do it for me.  I really don't think this song is suited for anyone besides P!nk herself.  What I also missed from the song was all the fun interjections between verses that P!nk does (like her little guitar wail [I crack up laughing everytime I hear it :)]).  It just fell short for me. 

Of course Rachel Berry was going to have an emotional ballad to sing at Regionals. I used to be annoyed by her, but as the show has progressed this season, and this episode in particular, I have really come to like her again. The original song "Get It Right" couldn't have been a better song. While it's no chart-topper, it's a solid track that shows off Rachel's vocal abilities.
Most likely the song that won Regionals for the New Directions, "Loser Like Me" is the anthem of the Glee Club.  It takes a strong person to be happy and proud of being a loser with a capital 'L', and this song makes you proud to be who you are.   Max Martin wrote this song (who is responsible for writing some of the msot iconic pop songs in history like '...Baby One More Time' and 'Since U Been Gone'), but I truly expected more from him.  It is definitely not an iconic song by any means, but I really wish it had been better.  I guess I can't complain too much because in the context of the show it was amazing.

I can't wait to see what the rest of the season has to bring.  I hope there is more plot progression, but Nationals will (hopefully) be the high point of the season.  This Gleek is out.

You can buy this week's songs from iTunes HERE.
If you want the best of Season 2 (thus far) you can purchase Glee: The Music, Vol. 5 from iTunes HERE.

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