Saturday, April 16, 2011

'Born This Way' Album Cover by Lady GaGa

OK, so Lady GaGa released the album cover for her album 'Born This Way' last night.  As you can see it's atrocious.  It makes absolutely no sense, and I could not be more disappointed in her.  There is one ray of light though in this whole situation.  Many people are saying that GaGa is playing a joke on all of us.  Read the theory below:

"After the release of the Born This Way Album Cover there has been a lot of criticism and debate over the imagery and the font of the artwork. A fair number of people are choosing to believe that this is a joke, that the real cover is yet to come, maybe Gaga has a plan up her sleeve?
Following this idea that maybe this is a joke, I tried to think of ways that maybe Gaga is playing this, if this is not the real artwork..
So Judas was released early, Friday 15th April 2011, four days before release. For trivia sake, Jesus was crucified on Friday 15th April 30AD and was buried later that day, awaiting 3 days before his resurrection.
Perhaps this artwork is a symbol of a fall from grace, a betrayal, a pain. Gaga’s Judas was leaked (rumours speculate whether this was by Gaga herself or an actual leak) but nonetheless a symbol of betrayal. Hours later the release of this artwork that is loved by some, an questioned by others. Could this be Gaga conveying a momentary death, fall from the Fame, a representation? In a few days, will she rise again, majestic from this spiritual death and bring us another album cover? When the image was released her Twitter account the caption read “Cover By Nick Knight and The Haus of Gaga 5 + 23 + 11” – this does not say Born This Way Cover in the caption.
Is Gaga creating a moment in history, mimicking the religious events told in the Bible, is she experiencing and expressing a spiritual death caused by the betrayal of Judas, is this a symbol for a resurrection to come?
This is just a theory, and I could be looking deep into this, but the Judas Release theory also looks deep into biblical context. If this album cover is the real deal, then props of Gaga, Knight, and the Haus. Fans might be disappointed, but the music is what matters."

Interesting isn't it?  I guess we'll see what is actually going on in the next few days.  Like the article says, it's about the music, but I am severely disappointed that GaGa would make something like this.  We'll see...

UPDATE:  It seems as if this is truly the real cover.  I can kind of see where GaGa is going with this - no matter what you look like you should celebrate.  It's truly not about the image, it's about the music.  It's a bold statement, but at the same time I am a little let down.  Wished it could have been better.  The Deluxe version cover is pictured below.  This one is definitely more bearable, but I still picture that horrid mortorcycle just off to the side.

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