Wednesday, May 18, 2011

'Funeral' by Glee

I must say that this is another great episode of Glee.  It seems like they tend to have peaks and valleys during the seasons, but they are definitely at a peak at the moment.  The last few episodes have been stellar, and this is another great one.  Jesse St. James is brought on as a consultant for the Glee Club and everyone but Rachel hates him (I personally hate him with my whole being and I hope they axe him from the show because he makes me so enojado), and we find out that Sue's sister with down syndrome has died so the Glee Club are in charge of her funeral.  It was a very emotional episode that pulls at your heartstrings.

Jesse has decided that auditions should be held in order to find out who the strongest singer in the New Directions is, so the first song is Santana's audition piece.  This is my favorite Amy Winehouse song period, but I felt like Santana didn't put any emotion into it.  It was sung extremely well, but that song is supposed to be oozing with emotion but there was none.  I was actually a little disappointed with her.
This was Kurt's performance, and I cannot say it enough, but he is amazing.  He obviously excels with Broadway songs, but he is extremely talented.  He puts on a show, and he just electrifies the stage.  Definitely one of my favorite Kurt solos ever.
Mercedes brought the house down!!!  I have voiced in the past that Mercedes does not get nearly enough screen time / solos, but when I heard this I was blown away.  That girl can SANG and she really proved that with this song.  The runs and the notes she was hitting were mesmerizing.  We need more of this on the show. 
This was Rachel's solo, but I was a little underwhelmed.  The song just kind of lingered there; it never really went anywhere.  I personally thought that she put waaaaay too much emotion into the song when it really wasn't needed.  It just seemed contrived to me, and that really turned me off.  
OK, so this may be my favorite song Glee has ever done (or at least in my Top 5).  Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory is one of those classic movies that you grow up with and it becomes a part of your life.  This is probably one of the most beautiful songs out there, and when I heard the Gleeksters singing it I about flipped out.  Not only did they sing it beautifully, but the emotional tie it had to the plot line made it 100x better.  It was Sue's sister's favorite song from her favorite movie, and the area around her coffin was decorated as if it was the Chocolate Factory.  The whole scene made my mom bawl her eyes out (especially after Sue/Will's speech).  Everyone, please give a standing ovation for the Glee Cast :)

As you can tell , this is one of my favorite episodes.  It was beautifully well done, and now I cannot wait until next week.  The McKinley High Glee Club is traveling to New York (my new home next year!) for Nationals, and it should be fairly spectacular.  Sad to see the show coming to an end until September though...

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