Sunday, May 8, 2011

'Rumours' by Glee

Another great episode from the cast of Glee.  While the whole "rumor" aspect of it reminded me of a soap-opera, the episode has some great, tender moments during the music, and the revelation about Sam will leave you near tears.  The episode is the first to focus on the music of an album, in this case it was 'Rumours' by Fleetwood Mac.  It was a beautiful episode.

Kristin Chenoweth is back reprising her role as the recovering alcoholic, April Rhodes.  This duet with her and Will was just okay.  I've really liked their stuff in previous episodes, but this one just fell flat.  There just wasn't enough oomph to it.

This was just another okay song.  Artie's voice in the song is extremely good, but the song was a little boring for my taste.  As it appeared in the episode it was also a little corny.  Artie's harsh words to Brittany were very unexpected, but they kind of ruined the mood with the segue into the song. 
Oh my gosh.  Santana can sing!  From the small snippets we've heard of her in other songs it seemed like she was an okay singer, but this performance was beautiful.  There is so much passion in her voice as she is singing to Brittany, and she delivered it superbly.  One of my favorites of the episode.
I never really liked Quinn, but after this episode I hate her.  She is such a *expletive*.  Just 'cause she is dating Finn doesn't mean he can't sing with Rachel.  The performance was interesting to watch, but Quinn's voice fell very flat.  There wasn't any depth to it and it just made the song a little boring.
This is one of those Fleetwood Mac songs that everybody knows, regardless of whether or not you are familiar with the band.  I really knew nothing about Fleetwood Mac, but I sure did know this song.  Definitely my favorite of the episode.  Rachel Berry once again gave another great vocal performance.
This is one of those fun, uplifting songs that Glee likes to end a lot of their episodes with.  The news about Sam's family was unsettling, but the group number showed the true power of the Glee Club and what they stand for.  Who doesn't want friends like these?  A great way to end the show.

Overall, it was a pretty solid show.  Definitely highly emotional.  Next week we get to see the Glee kids attend prom.  Looks like it should be very interesting, and, once again, very dramatic.  Only three more episodes left of the season.  What am I gonna do without Glee again until September?

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