Wednesday, February 22, 2012

'On My Way' by Glee

('Bridesmaids' homage anyone?)
The winter finale of Glee aired last night, and wow, what a heavy episode.  No episode has represented Glee as a dramady more than this one.  There were some hilarious moments and some hugely depressing and shocking moments.  This was the first time Glee has covered the topic of teen suicide, and they could not have done it any better.  This was also the Regionals episode, and I think this may be my favorite set of songs so far.  The episode was a relatively good mix that hopefully pleased many people.

Darren Criss can seriously do no wrong.  His character Blaine begins singing this song to Kurt as a possible Regionals choice, and not only is it sung incredibly well and became my favorite song of the episode, but it was used as the backdrop to Karofsky entering the locker room at his school, seeing "fag" written on his locker, and then we see him get dressed up in a suit and he hangs himself with a belt.  The song is truly incredible on its own and may just be one of my favorite Blaine songs, but the suicide attempt brought it to another emotional level.

The Dalton Academy Warblers are up first at Regionals, and, headed by Sebastian who has just had a change in personality, they perform well.  It's not as good as I would have hoped, but it wasn't that bad.  Based on this they didn't stand a chance at winning.

This is where the Warblers really shined.  Their signature acapella style shined through, and Sebastian gave one of his better performances.  I also loved the choreography that they did which was reminiscent of the Blaine-led Warbler days.  This could have given them a slight edge to win, but their set was just not that outstanding.

I really loved how the New Directions mashed together Nicki Minaj's 'Fly' and R. Kelly's classic, but Nicki's rapping was a little awkward for the Gleeksters to pull off.  I definitely have to give them props for it though.  The song was so uplifting and really made me feel good after the heavy and depressing moments earlier in the episode so it was a nice change of pace.

The Troubletones are back!!!  If you remember, earlier in the season after the Troubletones lost at Sectionals they agreed to come back to New Directions as long as they got to perform one song at Regionals.  Here it is.  They did a great job with Kelly's song and it was by far my favorite song of the night.

The New Directions ended their set with a Rachel solo.  Why do we need another one of these again?  I don't know, but it was a nice way to end.  Rachel's dads were actually more entertaining than the performance itself.  And who wins Regionals?  The New Directions, of course!!  The Warblers come in second as always.

Starting the episode off with Karofsky's attempted suicide was emotionally jarring to say the least, but it definitely caught everyone's attention.  From then on every comic relief moment seemed a bit out of place, but it worked together in the end.  The scene where Kurt visits Karofsky in the hospital should be nominated for an Oscar.  The acting between the two was beautiful and showed off their talents as actors. We find out that Sue is pregnant, and she also has a change in character that will be interesting to see develop throughout the rest of the season.  I think I could actually really like this "nice" Sue.  Finn and Rachel decide to get married after Regionals, and both her parents and Finn's finally realize that allowing the wedding to happen is complete insanity and they concoct a cockamamy scheme to halt the wedding which was so ridiculous I was laughing.  The only one missing was Quinn, and as she was driving to City Hall she checks the text messages on her phone and...bum bum bum...she get pummeled by a tractor.  Uh oh!  We'll have to wait until April 10th to see how everything plays out.  This break is going to be treacherous.

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