Wednesday, March 21, 2012

'Girl Gone Wild' Music Video by Madonna

The video for Madonna's second single 'Girl Gone Wild' off her upcoming album MDNA was released last night, and it has quickly become one of my favorite Madonna videos.  This creation right here pretty much sums up who she is an artist and everything that is associated with the name Madonna.  It could not have come at a better time because crazy GaGa fans are constantly ragging on Madonna and saying she's a has-been, she copies GaGa, blah blah blah.  This video shows her love of the homosexual community, the controversial subject matter of her art that she has always brought to the table, and her just general love of music.  It, in my opinion, solidifies her claim to the title of Queen of Pop.  I absolutely love the fact that it's shot in black and white which echoes her Erotica period, and the visuals are just stunning.  I particularly like the scenes where Madonna is cavorting on the walls as well as the scenes where she is surrounding by the male dancers in a sort of statuesque configuration.  I also thought the choreography and dancing was on par, and Madonna basically put to shame all the twenty-year old singers out there like Katy Perry and Rihanna.  And the moment where she whispers "forgive me" and gives the camera that "look" was absolute perfection.  The video is really just a lot of fun and downright sinful, but in a good way.  And before you watch this video, be aware of the scantily clad men and the numerous erotic visuals i.e. be sure NOT to watch this at work or in school where it could get you in trouble.

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