Friday, April 13, 2012

'Big Brother' by Glee

Glee's back!!!!!  Only 7 more episode after this one until the finale and graduation.  Can't believe it's creeping up so fast, but this was a great way to kick off the final stretch, and it's a great sign of what's to come in the remainder of the season.  'Big Brother' is definitely one of the better episodes of this season.  It started off with Roz and Sue going at it with their snarkiest comments.  We got some great songs, and also Blaine's brother, hilariously named Cooper Anderson (get the reversal?), visits McKinley and there are some great brotherly moments that come from this.  We learn Quinn's fate, and some major plot seeds are planted.

Artie kicks off the return of the season with flying colors.  Quinn is temporarily paralyzed and she hopes to walk again by graduation.  This is one of those feel good anthems that you can't help but love.  While the performance wasn't anything special, it was great to see Quinn trying out her newly learned wheelchair choreography.

It's the first of two Blaine and Cooper duets!!  These two are some of the most popular songs in pop culture, and the electro beat really updated it and made it a lot of fun.  It was a shame to see Blaine be overshadowed by his brother, but they have great chemistry together.  I really hope they keep Matt Bomer on the show for multiple episodes because he's a great character.

Oh my gosh, how can Blaine slay me like this every time?!?!  'Fighter' is definitely one of the highlights in Christina Aguilera's career, and as soon as Blaine started singing this I almost died.  Not many songs on Glee can get me rocking out looking like a total fool, but this one did it.  Blaine sang this song superbly, and I think there was even a point when I got chills.  The whole angry-Blaine-montage was very powerful, and it was something we don't normally see from him.  Blaine stole the show with this performance no doubt.

This has to be one of the worst songs Glee has ever done.  It was fine at first because it's all poppy and has a care-free-sound to it that matches the montage, but it quickly got tiresome.  During this scene and song the Gleeks are at an amusement park during Senior Skip Day, and Artie takes Quinn to the disabled skate park.  All the Gleeksters have a great time, but this song is just plain stupid.  They could have picked a much better montage song.  Definitely the low point of the episode.

Gotye's song has been exploding recently, especially with covers on both American Idol and The Voice, however, I think the Glee version remains supreme.  This is the second and final Blaine and Cooper duet, and it was riveting and chilling.  The two brothers brought this song to life, and Blaine poured out his emotions through the lyrics of the song.  It was a really powerful yet dark moment that I will remember as a highlight of the season.  The moment at the end when the Anderson brothers say how much they love each other, and tease each other was so cute.  We need more of this!

Cooper really brought a nice new dimension to the show in this episode.  His masterclass was hilarious, and he is one of those cooky characters that Glee has sort of lost.  I really want him to guest star more.  In terms of plot development, Sue is in her first trimester and finds out she's having a girl but there's a problem: it has down syndrome.  I think this'll be a very humbling storyline for Sue and it'll be great to see how she handles it next season.  Puck decides he's going to start a pool-cleaning business in California and asks Finn to go with him which leads to a heated debate with Rachel.  I highly doubt Rachel will give in, but we'll see how this plays out with their engagement.  Finally, Quinn is resenting her time in the wheelchair and believes wholeheartedly that she will walk again, so much so that she refuses to acknowledge the prospect that she may never walk again.  I would have liked Quinn to be killed off, and having her come out basically unscathed was a little irksome to me so I think to have her be paralyzed forever would be a great direction to take her in.  Overall, this was a fantastic episode and I am anxiously awaiting next week's Saturday Night Glee-ver!  I know my dad's going to love it and will be singing along!!

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