Wednesday, October 16, 2013

'Queens of All Media' by RuPaul's Drag Race

This week on The Lost Season: Ru-Vealed, the remaining queens channel their inner Oprah as they take on various challenges which Oprah is known for having done during her career. The mini-challenge is a quick trivia game, the answers to all the questions being the clue to their main challenge. When the queens find out Oprah is their inspiration for the week, we get a huge monologue from Shannel claiming that Oprah is God to her, and how much she loves Oprah. This continues throughout the entire episode, and by the end it's very tiresome and annoying. For their challenge this week, the girls have to do a news report where they read from a teleprompter, they have to sell a blowdryer, and they have to interview Tori Spelling and her husband Dean McDermott. It seems easy, but many of the girls struggle throughout.

Shannel set herself up to be the big winner of the night, but in the end she bombed each and every challenge. Her biggest mistake was wearing this extravagant red costume for the challenges that would be so out of character for Oprah and all of the professional jobs. She screwed up during both the news and infomercial challenges, and then she commandeered the interview, not even giving Tori and Dean chances to talk. Her runway look, however, was insane and it's one of my favorite outfits to ever glide down the runway. It shows off Shannel's true style as a performer which I admire.

Ongina took on the new reporting job effortlessly, and she also injected some humor to it which got me laughing. Her infomercial was also great, the humor coming out and helping her through it. The interview with Tori and Dean was very well done. She may not have been the most memorable, but she was a solid host. For her runway, Ongina pulled out her best look so far. She looked stunning in a black dress with a Barbie doll hat, and her face was beat. Solid performance this week.

Rebecca Glasscock
Rebecca had a bit of trouble reading the teleprompter, but overall she was just boring and forgettable. In the infomercial I can't tell you how she did because I don't remember it; it was that boring. She did much better in the interview, appearing to be interested in what Tori and Dean had to say. That ultimately helped her this week, as well as how stunning she looked on the runway. She wore a green gown, and with her mug beat for the gods she killed it. Her walk needs improving, but otherwise it was great.

Nina Flowers
Nina knew she was going to be in trouble this week because of her poor English, but she used that to her advantage and made for some funny moments. Her teleprompter reading was abysmal, but she didn't expect anything more. Her infomercial was by far the funniest, giving us her famous meme "Just plug it in and blow." The interview started off wrong with Nina suggesting Tori had HIV, but after that she was very personable and really stood out. Her runway this week was fantastic, invoking a bit of Madonna glam realness coupled with a great pantsuit. What can't Nina do?

Jade Sotomayor
Jade, like Rebecca, was largely forgettable. She did a decent job in the news report, but in terms of her infomercial and interview I don't remember them. Jade is a gorgeous queen, but she doesn't have a personality that stands out. On the runway she looked incredible, except for her tuck which was coming undone. She just skated by this week.

BeBe Zahara Benet
CAMEROOOOOON!! BeBe did everything perfect this week. Her news report was by far the best sounding as if she had been doing it for years, the infomercial was executed like a pro, and she is a natural interviewer. This is BeBe's iconic and signature look, the lion princess realness that Coco Montrese wishes she could look half as good as. The hair BeBe is wearing is insane, and then her outfit reveal just shows how much of a professional she is. She absolutely slayed the competition this week.

Akashia rounds out the queens this week, giving us an unforgettable runway. She looks gorgeous in her gown, but she trips and takes a tumble. In all fairness, she handled it with professionalism, turning her fall into an elegant spin and getting right back up. Unfortunately her performance in the challenges wasn't as graceful. She was horrendous at reading the teleprompter, her infomercial was bad, and she didn't stand up during the interview portion when Tori and Dean walked in. She was just downright rude.

It comes as no surprise that BeBe is the winner, and Shannel and Akashia fall into the Bottom Two. They have to lip sync to Whitney Houston's iconic 'The Greatest Love' and we get one of the most remembered lip syncs in Drag Race herstory. While performing, Shannel's headpiece falls off, but she turns it into part of her performance and absolutely rips Akashia to shreds. Shannel's performance was powerful, and it was only fitting that Akashia was the next queen to be eliminated.

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