Thursday, July 3, 2014

'U.R.L. Badman' Music Video by Lily Allen

Lily doesn't care what you have to say, which probably renders this entire post useless, but that doesn't mean I'm not going to write about it. Lilly Allen's album Sheezus was released a few months back and is one of her best pieces of work. She doesn't take herself seriously, and her social commentary on the industry is on point. She continues that sentiment in her latest single.

'U.R.L. Badman' is Lily's newest single and it's also one of my favorites. The song is instantly catchy, and I find myself singing the chorus out of nowhere some days not even having Lily on my mind. It just has that "it" quality. Lily says she wrote the song after there was a lot of negative press, especially from indie bloggers, about her 'Hard Out Here' music video.

In an interview, Lily said "What really pissed me off was the misogynistic, hipster, male bloggers that went after me in a completely different way. And I just thought, 'Fuck you, I’m going to write a song about you.'" That's the Lily I love and this video continues that theme.

In the video Lily sits in a blogger's bedroom where we hear his mom calling for him, and Lily behind him has a sad look on her face as he works. The guy starts glitching and then he expands into this digitized rainbow, and that continues throughout the rest of the video. Not really sure what that's supposed to mean, but Lily looks gorgeous and it's good that she's putting these emotions and sentiments into the public forum.

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