Monday, February 28, 2011

'Born This Way' Music Video by Lady GaGa

So, the highly anticipated video for GaGa's newest single was released today.  My verdict: so-so.  It definitely had its moments where you're like "I love you Mother Monster," but there are others where you are absolutely sickened.  GaGa's definitely a creative woman and I love her for that, but sometimes she just goes overboard (remember the 'Alejandro' video?).  The video is of course another mini-movie, clocking in at about seven and a half minutes.  In terms of 'Bad Romance' and 'Telephone,' this approach was absolutely amazing, but now it's getting a little redundant.  GaGa, why can't you just make a normal length video?  The first three minutes of the video is a monologue to her fans, but there is still no reason why it needs to be so long.  Of course the little GaGa stans absolutely adore the video, but the general public is saying "Me no likey."  What do you think?

The video begins with what I think is the only good part of the video (ironically, this is the part that won't be shown on television for length purposes).  As I already mentioned, the video opens up with a monologue from GaGa that is most definitely for her fans.  She explains that Mother Monster started a world that was free of hate and had no bounds.  Then of course came along Evil to infiltrate the world.  During the monologue, GaGa is shown (sort of) giving birth to the new race, as well as Evil, and it is somewhat disturbing.  Even though you don't see a full-on view, the visuals are definitely enough tp make queasy stomachs hurl.  Skip this part if you can't handle it.  I love the monologue because it really shows who GaGa is and what she stands for.  She wants a world in which there is no hate and discrimination, but it just can't happen.  Evil is always present, but luckily for us, Mother Monster sent GaGa to Earth to defeat evil.  This is where the actual video begins.

One of the biggest qualms I have with the video is that GaGa seems to contradict herself.   This whole video is about celebrating who you are and that you were "born this way."  The problem in the video is that GaGa isn't dressed down and normal in the video.  As pictured above, her face is entirely covered in paint, and in the dance scenes she has horns sticking out of her head.  How is that celebrating what you were born with?  For most of the video though, she is wearing only a bra and panties, so I guess I can give her credit for that. 

The homage at the end of the video to Michael Jackson and Madonna is very clever, but I think it could also be very detrimental.  She has already received so much flack from the world for the song sounding like Madonna's 'Express Yourself,' and then she goes and imitates Madonna.  She also dances like Michael and uses some of the visual effects similar to his 'Billie Jean' video.  It's nice that she is respecting the true creators of the pop music industry. The public though will be very upset with that because not many people respect her as an artist, and by doing this they might think that she is saying that she is just like those two.  Hmmm...

What I love the most about GaGa as an artist is her creativity and her message.  Every single one of her videos is a masterpiece; there's no denying it.  This woman is like the reincarnation of Picasso, Dali, Monet and Warhol all rolled into one.  Everything she creates is visually stunning, and this video just proves that point.  The very first picture I have posted justifies that.  Her sense of fashion is impeccable, and she truly is a walking museum.  She puts so much love into everything that she does.  This video just proves that she is not here to impress the general public; she is here to share her art and love with her fans, and in the end that's all that really matters.  While I think 'Born This Way' was just an average song and a direct copy of Madonna's 'Express Yourself,' GaGa has definitely proven through this video that I love her art, and she will not be leaving Earth anytime soon.  Britney will always be my Queen, but Lady GaGa has definitely taken second.

Watch it here...

Please leave your comments; I really want to hear your opinions on the video :)

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