Friday, April 29, 2011

American Idol Top 6

I know this is a bit late, but with all the AP reviewing I'm doing there just aren't enough hours in the day anymore.  The theme this week was the music of Carol  King, and for the most part the contestants did really well.  We also got to see the annual duets so that was fun.

Scotty McCreery
This has to be one of my favorite Scotty performances.  The judges were upset with him last week and he totally proved them wrong this week.  He took it down slow with a ballad and put so much emotion into it that it was literally spilling over into my living room.  He showed his tender side, and I absolutely loved him.  I know I sound like a broken record, but mark my words, Scotty will win the show this season.

Lauren Alaina
It's really sad how Lauren doesn't believe in herself and only listens to the negative criticisms.  She has to stop believing all that because she is extraordinary and she is only letting it damper her star power.  This week was really well done, but she just needs to gain her confidence.  If she gets over this I could see her being the runner-up.  Nothing spectacular this week, but it was solid.

Scotty & Lauren Duet
There was no doubt in my mind that these two would be doing a duet together this week.  Their voices compliment each other very well, and I think there's some good chemistry between them.  While I didn't like the song choice, they gave it their all.  I hope to see a duet on their debut albums.

I truly thought that Jacob was going to go home this week because he has just not been getting the votes, but it was a pleasant surprise to see Casey go home.  I have always disliked him and I thought that it was very clear that America didn't like him.  When you get voted off twice, it's pretty clear that no one wanted him to win.  The shock on Randy's face was a total laugh out loud moment.  He was furious, but I am over the moon with the results.  Plus, I got to see Crystal Bowersox perform which is always a plus.

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