Friday, July 15, 2011

TODAY: The Epic Harry Potter Finale

It all ends.  Could that tag line be any more fitting?  As we all know, the epic finale to the Harry Potter series was released today and my family and I will be seeing it later this evening.  As I am finishing reading the book as we speak I am getting teary eyed, and I know that tonight will not be any easier.  I've already heard from some of my friends that they were crying only twenty minutes into the film.  I know that it will be a great way to end the series and am anxiously awaiting tonight.  Before we go to the showing I am making a Harry Potter inspired meal for my family: butterbeer and Paddington burgers (modeled after the burgers that Harry and Hagrid ate while at Paddington station after visiting Diagon Alley in the Sorcerer's Stone).  This movie will be one to remember, that I am sure of, and I will try to get up a review of the film tomorrow morning.  Hope you all have fun seeing the movie today as well!


  1. I'm really exited about the movie, but i don't think i can watch it today because there will be so many people at the theatre and i don't have tickets. I've read all the Harry Potter books and even though i already know how it all ends i can't stop being afraid. I'm a huge Harry Potter fan and it is nice to know how someone else feels about the film because everyone around me doesn't seem to care at all. I hope you enjoy the movie and i can't wait to read your review.

  2. Luckily we bought tickets a week ago, and we are definitely getting there early to get good seats. It's a shame you can't go today, but it's always better being late late than never! That's too bad no one around you really cares about the films; I myself am lucky to have a bunch of friends who are just as invested in it as I am. But hey, the internet is a magical thing and now you know how I feel about it. Hope you're able to see the film soon!
