Friday, February 17, 2012

'The Spanish Teacher' by Glee

This week on Glee we got to see Ricky Martin guest star as a Spanish Teacher for adults who gets invited to McKinley to perform with the New Directions in order to teach them all about Spanish music.  The episode was mainly a filler episode, but that is not to imply that it was boring.  There were one or two great performances and one or two great scenes.  The biggest plot development was that Sue is going to be a mother.  Go figure.  

The episode starts off with Ricky Martin singing LMFAO's 'Sexy and I Know It' in Spanglish.  It was a highly energetic and fun performance, and all the girls were fawning over him.  The best part had to be Kurt's facial expressions as he is getting flustered.  Who knew this song could be cool in Spanish?

This one is a beautiful Mercedes solo that expresses how she feels about Sam, even though Emma told them to not speak to each other for a week so that they can realize their true feelings about the situation.  Once again this is in Spanglish, but I think it works well.  The song isn't anything special, but Mercedes has such a lovely voice that you can't dislike it.

In response to Mercedes' song, Sam decides to sing a song to Mercedes and once again it's Spanglish!  And just so you know, this is Enrique Iglesias' 'Hero', not Mariah's.  This is the first true "Spanish song" of the episode, and it's very well done.  Sam sings great in Spanish!  He actually almost sounds like Enrique which is quite unexpected.  I really wish they would give him some more screen time because he truly deserves it.

Best song of the episode!!!  Not only was it inevitable that they would do one of Madonna's most popular Spanglish songs in this episode, but having it performed as a duet between Ricky and Santana was even more perfect.  Santana really made this song magical with her sultry vocals, and I loved the remix they did.  It became a great electro-pop song.  Watching Santana and Ricky perform the song was so much fun, and I really hope they bring him back because he was an awesome guest star.

This may just be one of the worst renditions of a song Glee has ever done.  I know that it was meant to be atrocious to make a point, but it's so atrocious that it's hard to even listen to.  Watching Will prance around on stage as a matador was horrifying, and he was basically making a joke out of the music.  It was just bad.  How can you turn Elvis into mariachi???

While the episode wasn't spectacular, it had many things going for it.  Ricky Martin, in my opinion, is the best guest star they have ever had on the show which is odd because I've never been a fan of his.  He's the perfect person to be on this show, and by having him be the new Spanish teacher at McKinley I hope he'll be a recurring character fairly often.  One of the highlights of the episode was when NeNe Leake's character, Roz Washington, tore into Sue for her decision to have a child.  It was hilarious!  The big plot in this episode was that one educator was going to get tenure, and with bringing children into the world Sue and Will were vying for it, but in the end Emma received it because of her quirky yet helpful pamphlets.  I'm not even going to comment on the whole Sue/baby thing because it's absolutely ridiculous so we'll just see where the show goes from here.  

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